Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] for [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Ilyumzhinov 's technique for getting rid of parliament was simple .
2 Shem 's technique for describing the life of the junior hospital doctor , derives from that modern American surrealism described earlier , while Douglas 's more restrained , more documentary style stems from the British tradition of Powell , Isherwood and Amis .
3 As receiving theatres they do not attract direct Arts Council funding , but they benefit from the Arts Council 's support for touring which enables more distinctive and varied programmes to be mounted .
4 They forget that the Scottish National Party 's support for renationalising what was then left of the Scottish steel industry proved of declining electoral value the closer it went to Motherwell .
5 WordStar 's support for mailmerging is surprisingly comprehensive .
6 We all know Stirling 's weakness for laying on his plans by the queerest methods .
7 The DES 's case for insisting upon more attention to be paid to subject competence in the training and deployment of teachers rests on two kinds of evidence , both of which are somewhat insubstantial .
8 The Navy had won the first round of the carrier battle : Sandys now conceded the RAF 's case for developing the TSR 2 around a new airframe instead of forcing the naval NA 39 upon them .
9 As part of the work on the BBC 's case for renewing our Charter , I led a Task Force looking at our representation of communities .
10 Deriding the value of the committee of the regions , he tried to demolish Mr Salmond 's case for entering the Government lobby in exchange for SNP representation on the European committee , by repeating the comments he made on it when he was the party 's foreign affairs spokesman : ‘ I remember saying , with the approval of my leader , that it is merely an advisory body , advising another advisory body and has no powers of any kind . ’
11 Mr Ponting 's case for sending the documents was that he felt that they showed that Parliament was being misled and misinformed about the Belgrano affair .
12 That is when the strength of his emerging side , and England 's case for making it to the 1994 World Cup finals , will be truly tested .
13 The government 's case for retaining lead in petrol has been based heavily on the 1981 Lawther report .
14 ANOTHER prop in the British government 's case for retaining some lead in petrol gave way yesterday .
15 The Polytechnic 's case for retaining teacher education was based on four main arguments : that it was the only public sector institution of higher education in the Principality which provided the full integration of teacher education with the remainder of the higher education system ; that the proposals would leave the largest education authority in Wales employing the largest number of teachers , without involvement in teacher education ; that the Polytechnic had already stopped recruiting for the Certificate of Education course , in line with the DES policy of seeking an all-graduate profession , and in September 1976 had attracted the largest number of teacher-training students with a minimum of two GCE A levels in the Principality ; and that the Polytechnic was being called upon to make a disproportionate sacrifice because it would have to drop its Dip.HE/BEd. programme which was a basic component of a newly developed integrated system of degree courses .
16 Her prodigious output included innumerable displays and talks , to which we , the performers , came with our blue silk tunics carefully folded round pieces of cardboard — Edith 's ruse for preserving the ‘ band-box ’ appearance .
17 He lacked Gina 's panache for throwing things .
18 Few have rivalled Singapore 's enthusiasm for harnessing the multinationals as agents of growth and economic transformation .
19 It was not that Mr Grey 's enthusiasm for selling books had waned , rather that he was convinced of the advantages of diversification .
20 A second lesson — or cautionary note — bears directly on the government 's enthusiasm for separating out ‘ purchaser ’ or ‘ provider ’ roles in order to create a quasi market in social care .
21 Given the government 's enthusiasm for housing associations , it is curious that recent changes have made the associations ' task more difficult .
22 No doubt its humorous common name has more to do with the countryman 's enthusiasm for worrying the gullible , than with the local wise woman 's magical powers .
23 There was a public outcry at Andrew Hayton 's sentence for causing death by reckless driving .
24 Yet further fumblings by Mr Major could haul Mr Clarke to the top job much earlier than that ‘ one more year ’ which , by Tory consensus , is now Mr Major 's time-limit for proving he is the right man to lead the country .
25 Indeed , they were no doubt very glad to have the reassurance of each other 's presence for travelling into an unknown future .
26 This fellow 's excuse for putting his shovel into the public purse is that he is executive producer of the Wogan show , something he keeps to himself in public places if he has any sense .
27 Ward 's excuse for talking in Spanish had been that he was accustoming himself to using it freely .
28 Now that they were safely back aboard , minus an Astropath but plus one locked stasis-trunk , the Harlequin man 's excuse for shooting Moma Parsheen failed to satisfy Jaq .
29 ( There used to be an old sailor 's trick for getting rid of tapeworms , using a raw egg with a pinhole in one end .
30 And at £9 million annually , the Department of Trade and Industry 's budget for encouraging the development and uptake of environmental technology by industry — to reduce water pollution — was too low .
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