Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] was [prep] " in BNC.

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1 According to Freedberg , the aim of Kosuth 's installation was to ‘ engender self-reflexiveness in each viewer 's judgment about the relations between art , morality and censorship ’ .
2 ‘ Therefore , I must say that Wedgwood 's response was like a breath of fresh air .
3 But Italy 's defence was in chaos without him in the dismal 2–2 draw with Switzerland in their opening qualifying tie and he changed his mind yesterday under pressure from his wife and Italian federation president Antonio Matarrese .
4 The interior of the King 's saloon was of satinwood , inlaid with ivory , while the Queen 's day room was in white enamel , with delicate shades of pink and blue in the decorations .
5 But Tony Franjieh 's rise was to be short-lived .
6 Bobby Simpson 's judgement was to be proved right …
7 Again , Jim Leighton 's judgement was at fault as the little Nantes midfielder managed to steer a shot between the keeper and his near post .
8 Ademar 's evidence is demonstrably unreliable , however ; and without it , there is nothing to show that Pippin II 's support was at all widespread .
9 I think in that situation the home crowd 's support was of great value to the team .
10 Viewed by many as a vain upstart , de Gaulle 's stand was in fact inspired not by ambition but by a deeply-held belief in the grandeur of France .
11 If the game was for high stakes , if Pound 's livelihood was at stake , the more reason for playing the game circumspectly .
12 Or rather Edward 's weakness was for married women .
13 Mme Guérigny once told me that Jean-Claude 's weakness was in part due to his exemplary sensitivity and in part to the damp in the cave , which had affected his lungs and his joints .
14 Noah 's faith was in a God Who makes promises and keeps them .
15 Roman 's sister was in her mid-twenties , enchantingly pretty , petite and slender , with short , shining dark curls and peachy skin .
16 The dead merchant 's skin was like the cold scales of a fish .
17 Sunday 's play was of a high standard with two semi finals going to extra time , then penalties .
18 If Lascubé 's play was against the laws , how about the fact that English no.8 Dean Richards punched a French player in the match against England in the Championship last year ?
19 There was a band of decisions and you had to say that the parent 's decision was outside the band of reasonableness .
20 He adopted the right test and asked whether in the circumstances this mother 's decision was within the band of what a reasonable mother would do .
21 It appears that access to the flagpole on the bank 's building was via the bedroom of the young couple who rented the flat above .
22 His Pilgrim 's Progress was by far the most popular book in the cottages of the poor , and in Apollyon he had conjured up a monster fit for any fable : scaled , bear-footed , dragon-winged and breathing fire and smoke from a lion 's mouth .
23 As he approached , the clerk noticed that the Prince 's doublet was of pure white satin with gold buttons .
24 The play 's story was about the change in men which can break deadlock and bring teamwork .
25 But Delaney 's plea was in vain .
26 Chavez 's struggle was about dignity .
27 Mason J. went on to explain the reasons why , in that case , the minister 's function was to be exercised by him personally .
28 But Elizabeth 's presence had been chilling ; Mary 's presence was of a different quality .
29 Children 's shit was of no use to anyone .
30 She stressed that middle-class ladies needed to unite with their poorer sisters if men 's immorality was to be effectively challenged .
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