Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] on [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Sinowatz 's committal on charges of perjury in September 1990 [ see p. 37721 ] , which was upheld in April 1991 [ see p. 38164 ] , had repercussions in Burgenland where premature elections were held in June 1991 [ see p. 38299 ] .
2 The Labour party 's reliance on producers rather than consumers will constantly bedevil its attempts to convince the British people that it is serious on these issues .
3 Even so , integrated management can reduce the farmer 's reliance on pesticides .
4 However , Mr Johnston was delighted by the Government 's decision on lawyers ' partnerships , a view not shared by the Law Society of Scotland .
5 For myself , I can see no relevant distinction between a case where a statute has conferred such final and conclusive jurisdiction and the case where the common law has for 300 years recognised that the visitor 's decision on questions of fact and law are final and conclusive and are not to be reviewed by the courts .
6 Of course , it is difficult to pre-empt a jury 's or judge 's decision on damages , but the fact that a very rich plaintiff might hand over his damages to charity should and could be taken into account in any assessment .
7 Derry , in particular , seemed to be in a state of constant turmoil as marchers broke the government 's ban on processions several times a day .
8 In fact , if anything , the bank 's constraint on managers seems the most like that modelled in Baumol ( 1959 ) , Williamson ( 1963 ) etc. — that is , a minimum profit constraint .
9 But , Apart from the dismissal of Reginald Maudling as Foreign Affairs Spokesman , the only important reshuffle followed John Davies 's resignation on grounds of ill health from Foreign Affairs in November 1978 .
10 In Lesley Hall 's chapter on children 's perception , the emphasis is on visual search and how it develops from infancy to childhood and maturity .
11 Ealing 's Meet Mr Lucifer ( 1953 ) defined the new medium 's effect on audiences as largely negative and , by distinguishing the communal address of cinema from television 's attention to the individual , established a line of attack that was to be much used later .
12 The first inkling Dustin had of the film 's effect on audiences was when it was previewed before the general public .
13 I have just read the article in November 's Today 's Horse on gadgets by Carolyn Henderson and I would like to say that in my opinion she has done a very good job pointing out the dangers of people with their own horses who resort to gadgets to get an outline and not to time and schooling .
14 EFTA 's 1990/91 budget was set at just over 29,000,000 Swiss francs ( approximately US$23,000,000 ) , with a supplementary budget of SFr3-4,000,000 in view of the secretariat 's workload on negotiations with the EC .
15 Bell 's research on NILTs concluded that a major cause of non-attendance at the hearing results from ‘ a combination of pessimism about the outcome and practical difficulties ’ ( Bell et al. , 1974 ) .
16 Humphrey 's research on workers in the Brazilian motor industry in the 1970s shows that , in this particular case , a group of relatively highly paid workers in a modern sector of the economy did not behave as a labour aristocracy , but took on a vanguard role in providing political leadership for the working class as a whole ( Humphrey 1982 ) .
17 I enjoyed Dave Cook 's piece on Sandbags and Soft Touches ( Oct. issue ) and could add a lengthy list of both to the ones he covers .
18 I enjoyed Brian Redhead 's piece on worms in the March edition immensely .
19 Likewise London 's stranglehold on futures and options is likely to loosen .
20 Sir Cyril Taylor , the Government 's adviser on CTCs , who had earlier been successful in persuading Mr Baker to commit more government funds to the 20 schools , had been hoping to get more money for a new round of schools .
21 One is Dyck 's concentration on systems of generators for a group and on relations satisfied by these generators .
22 Even when feminist psychology deals with class differences , it often reproduces conventional psychology 's concentration on areas which dominant discourses of class see as important , like sexuality , and attitudes to success ( Rainwater 1972 , Weston and Mednick 1972 ) , and proves unable to see working-class subjects as psychologically or socially different from each other .
23 Meanwhile , as Means and Smith point out , the NFOAPA 's concentration on pensions issues caused it to ignore inadequacies in medical and social provision whilst ‘ its campaigning style was unlikely to have been appreciated ’ within the corridors of power .
24 Senator Warren Barry called Mr Clinton 's plan on gays in the military a ‘ fags in the foxhole ’ proposal , and the chairman of the Fairfax County Republicans , Patrick Mullins , said it gave new meaning to the military warning ‘ watch your rear flank , ’ according to the Post .
25 THE Queen has put one of her footmen on permanent ‘ light ’ duties in a bid to beat the taxman 's purge on perks for royal staff .
26 A call for a year 's freeze on settlements in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip ( with the exception of Jerusalem and the Jordan valley ) was adopted as part of the party 's platform , as was a commitment to a repeal of laws outlawing " contacts with terrorist organizations [ which included the Palestine Liberation Organization-PLO ] " .
27 One of his main contributions has been the extension of last year 's freeze on rises in the uniform business rate , which at £370 million represents a large part of the £1 billion boost for industry .
28 Those early days of Eldorado were masterminded by producer Julia Smith , who was Corinne 's boss on EastEnders .
29 Milnes , maker 's transfer on doors of S.M.E.T. Nos. 17–26
30 Also of considerable interest is Margaret Doody 's ‘ Swift among the Women ’ which traces the Dean 's influence on women poets of the time .
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