Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 But he says the problems with next year 's funding mean that ‘ in the short term , we will move in the opposite direction ’ .
2 The church 's response says that by its own admission the Scottish Office Education Department recognises the inadequacies of its proposals .
3 The Institute 's response concedes that in some matters compliance will be easily attested , but on others it may be difficult , if not impossible , for the auditor to form an opinion .
4 In this writer 's view , Franco 's response showed that he understood it well enough , but behaved as though he did not in order to avoid direct confrontation with the Germans and , at the same time , to slow the war down .
5 In court Jackson 's defence suggested that The Northern Echo had wrongly printed his advertisements .
6 The constructor 's acceptor checks that the information systems design and ‘ product ’ conforms to the appropriate standards and the constructor writes the programs and other parts of the ‘ package ’ that is the information system .
7 Luton-based Laporte 's board said that , despite recession , its prospects were good and would be enhanced by the Evode deal .
8 Now , with the expansion of availability of SCOTVEC awards to increasing numbers of candidates , to a wider range of centres and to a greater coverage of occupational areas , SCOTVEC 's Board decided that the time was right to review the quality system which supports our awards to ensure that the system could continue to meet its objectives in the years head .
9 Bees hummed steadily through the yellow bird 's foot trefoil that wove itself in a tangled carpet over the sand .
10 David Middleweek , defending , told yesterday 's committal hearing that Erica Dean and both men would deny intending to cause grievous bodily harm .
11 David Middleweek , defending , told yesterday 's committal hearing that Erica Dean and both men would deny intending to cause grievous bodily harm .
12 ‘ The High Court 's judgement means that landowners who have sought Ministry consent for a Licence have unwittingly created a tenancy , ’ said Christopher Hewitt , agricultural specialist for Ward Hadaway .
13 Today 's judgement means that banks in future must make sure a spouse or partner is directly informed of risks .
14 Coun Dixon said the corporation 's support proves that Darlington is widely considered to have a housing crisis .
15 The convicted man 's counsel said that Mr Kevin Sarbutts was given £6,500 by an assistant commissioner at Scotland Yard after the trial .
16 During pre-trial hearings at the Old Bailey , Mr Greenway 's counsel argued that he should be tried by his fellow MPs and not a court of law .
17 Lydon 's counsel alleged that Malcolm McLaren ‘ regards himself as a Svengali of these people to do whatever he cares without asking anybody else ’ .
18 The wife 's counsel submitted that if the wife
19 The other was the huge and spectacular sweep of Beinn Dorain 's west slopes that towered above the railway line giving scale to its forbidding gradient .
20 erm Somebody on this morning 's course said that they quite like answering machines , they use them like note pads , and they ring up people they know have got an answering machine so they can just leave a message , they say it 's quicker than writing a letter , and it 's easier than talking to them for hours , you can just ring them up and leave a message on their answering machine like a sort of note pad , which I had n't thought of , but I suppose it 's rather good , is n't it !
21 The professional dealing with Stefan 's case felt that his mother , who had generated these ideas herself , had really understood the technique very well .
22 That is no longer the case and the position , the author would suggest , is governed by the statement of Lord Reed in Vesty v IRC 31 TC 1 at 120 where he states : I think that Chamberlain 's case shows that the most profitable course to follow is to determine what was the property comprised in the settlement , and that the way to find the property is to look for property charged with rights in favour of beneficiaries .
23 There is in any event nothing in de la Broquière 's description to suggest that the grand caliph was not resident in Edirne .
24 The appeal to the sense of touch in Leapor 's description entails that descriptions are organized not simply according to visual planes , but around the persons in the poem .
25 Ti'Ko 's literature claims that the keyboards are the best on the market and provide fatigue free operation .
26 And Mike 's friend 's sister said that if this husband comes to the funeral he 's gon na swing for him .
27 The Senate 's decision meant that Durenberger became only the ninth member to be so censured , and the first since 1979 .
28 Gore 's decision meant that he joined several senior Democrat who had announced that they were unwilling to run for the 1992 nomination .
29 The judge 's decision means that the case will not come to court before early 1991 , when the issues will be decided in the context of the individual cases .
30 The flip-flop , outlined in the first of a series of three press conferences last Wednesday ( with more to come today , Monday ) , turned far messier than it needed to be due largely to DEC 's inability to admit that it had flip-flopped to begin with .
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