Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 After a sound start from Gooch and Broad , England 's response belonged primarily to Gatting , and his 82 not out saw his team home with six wickets in hand .
2 To these weapons , NATO 's response has long been the Polaris and Poseidon missiles carried on nuclear submarines .
3 Ten percent of last year 's income had again been designated for outward giving , the sum of £1,754 going to such national charities as the Emily Fund for abused children and the Church Housing Trust , and £844 for Kurdish and Romanian victims and other overseas causes .
4 All these obligations are designed to ensure that the tenant keeps up the real value of the scheme and that the landlord 's income remains as high as possible .
5 MG Kent TN4 8XP THE difficulty faced by many younger pensioners is that the husband 's income derives mainly from occupational pensions and this can not be transferred to the wife .
6 Rates developed as a direct tax on an individual 's income levied so as to take into account his or her capacity to pay .
7 Is everybody like that though , is to mean here 's Jan , where 's Jan 's contract go too ?
8 The Court of Appeal held that as the main purpose of Mr Stark 's contract had merely been the regular and efficient distribution of newspapers and since there was no evidence he should personally engage in distribution , it followed that the contract was not a ‘ contract personally to execute any work or labour ’ and therefore Mrs Gunning was not employed under such a contract .
9 Alton 's defence played soundly and the team looked dangerous on the break .
10 The score at Dens Park and Parkhead decreed that Willie Miller 's defence has now conceded fewer goals than any other club in the top flight of the Scottish game , the Aberdeen rearguard having been breached only 26 times .
11 Having left the Army , Drew Benedict had spent a great deal of Sukey 's money buying really good ponies .
12 From the start , ITV programme scheduling was almost entirely determined , apart from the IBA 's requirements , by the need to get advertising revenue ( in its early years , one-quarter of ITV 's money came simply from the great washing-powder war ) .
13 ‘ The Government has an obligation to ensure that the expenditure of taxpayer 's money reflects today 's priorities and delivers the best value we can today for the money spent today . ’
14 In contrast to Guinness I , Ward 's trial lasted just six weeks and was based on one charge .
15 BBA 's board said yesterday that the remainder of the proceeds of the one-for-four rights issue at 142p a share , plus the recently-announced sale of BBA 's stake in Pacific BBA , would be used to cut borrowings .
16 The car 's reliability increased immeasurably and Hunt finished eight of the fourteen races and scored a total of 33 points .
17 In addition , the DFR 's text differed sharply from that of the ocean bill of lading in that it lacked the terms and conditions of carriage , including disclaimers .
18 Harsnett 's text has long been seen as one of the established sources for Lear , but in Greenblatt 's analysis a more challenging question is posed : which way was the borrowing ?
19 Jinkwa 's foot hovered eagerly over the firing button .
20 As he tried to peer through the impenetrable veil of snow , searching in vain for some landmark or the vague outline of a barn , George 's foot came unexpectedly into contact with a large stone , almost buried in the snow .
21 She was philosophical about her stepson blaming her for allowing his father 's foot to become so black , saying that Alex had to look after himself .
22 Equally unsurprising , NT 's advantage rests primarily , the study says , ‘ in the strength of the marketing and sales programmes that support it .
23 Semra Özal 's support came principally from secularists who were concerned to counter the growing influence of Islamic rightwingers within the party , especially in Istanbul .
24 The argument is that Lord Diplock 's terminology distinguishes more clearly between keeping agencies within the scope of their power ( illegality ) , and ensuring that the agency does not offend substantive principles which are independent of those in the statute , even if the decision is ‘ technically ’ within the scope of the legislative scheme ( irrationality ) .
25 Transverse isotropy is assumed with the five elastic constants ( in Walpole 's terminology defined earlier ) k , l , m , n , p .
26 The women 's category has also attracted many of Ireland 's top stars , with in addition to Moira O'Neill , we have Theresa Duffy and Theresa Kidd .
27 The R Y A beginner 's course has certainly got Suzanne here sailing with confidence in no time at all .
28 The Institute is grateful to them for their loyal service which in Ian Shaw 's case totalled nearly twenty five years .
29 At first sight it would seem difficult to bring a restitutionary claim within this article , and Mr. Beazley 's case depends entirely on the construction which he seeks to put on the Court of Justice decision in Kalfelis v. Bankhaus Schrôder , Mûnchmeyer , Hengst and Co .
30 Whilst updating the successful Mark 1 Flagship unit at Vogue warehouse , Eddie 's case produced even more tools .
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