Example sentences of "['s] [adj] [noun sg] was " in BNC.

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1 Sotheby 's Islamic sale was full of surprises .
2 The only time that Gooch performed well for Gower was in the 1985 Ashes series , when England won 3–1 and David had his finest hour , but on the two occasions when Gooch 's help was most desperately needed — against West Indies in 1985–86 and Australia in 1989 — Gooch 's total contribution was 459 runs at 24.16 .
3 The figures imply that up to 80% of Sun Microsystems Inc 's total revenue was derived from workstation sales alone in 1992 — though Sun claims to have sold some 10,000 server systems in the last year or so — while IBM Corp 's $668m share is only around a third of the business it claims to have done on the RS/6000 line over that period .
4 The figures imply that up to 80% of Sun Microsystems Inc 's total revenue was derived from workstation sales alone in 1992 — when Sun claims to have sold some 10,000 server systems in the last year or so — while IBM Corp 's $668m share is only around a third of the business it claims to have done on the RS/6000 line over that period .
5 Rentokil 's total score was 71.33 out of a possible 90 points .
6 The party 's total vote was just half that given to the Communists in a similar number of boroughs .
7 The hour of Britain 's total defeat was at hand , and Winston Churchill would soon abandon England to preside over the ruins from the safety of his Canadian dominion .
8 Also in the 1880s , Europe was divided into states of vastly varying sizes , as small as Montenegro and as large as Russia , but eighty per cent of Europe 's total population was to be found in six countries — Russia , Germany , Austria-Hungary , France , Italy and Britain .
9 Batty 's right ankle was still swollen yesterday and it looked as though he would need a miracle cure to make the second leg of the European Cup tie .
10 Sure enough , after a week or so the boy 's right ankle was responding to more treatment , and the left-leg calf muscles were quivering .
11 Baxter 's right shinbone was broken after a clash with Rapide Vienna 's tough centre-half Skocik .
12 All three thought it right that the fight continued in the eleventh round when McDonnell 's right eye was all but closed , though the fighter admitted he could not see from that eye .
13 Above the door 's right corner was a small black box burglar alarm , almost certainly wired back to the farmhouse or more likely electronic , triggering a bleeper which Cawthorne could carry with him .
14 Dominic Wetherby 's right hand was clutching a packet of cheese so tightly that it was impossible to prise it out of the dead grip .
15 In Dr Ali 's right hand was a book entitled Basic Mathematics for Schools .
16 Terry 's right arm was shattered and his head and chest gashed as he was hurled like a rag doll against the Cessna 206 — flying at 7,000 feet .
17 She looked up to the skyline , where Scathach 's tall form was a silhouette .
18 It would not be clear whether the child 's low performance was associated with poor linguistic ability in relation to British children , or whether it simply reflected the different experiences available to children in Britain and the USA .
19 Charles 's low plea was interrupted by Guy , who was slowly turning the stem of the cut-glass wine goblet in front of him , watching the reflection of candlelight in the dark burgundy .
20 He cut inside but then shot straight at the goal keeper , and in the seventy second minute , Stein 's low shot was pushed for a corner by Stowell .
21 Davenport 's low cross was almost turned in by Rush and Byrne in turn before falling to Bennett , a substitute , who blazed the ball wildly off target .
22 A glorious sunset is a standard Romantic thrill : the greetings which human beings exchange are usually meaningless , and the woman 's strange expression was presumably the usual one in that part of the country .
23 The European cuckoo 's strange behaviour was noted as long ago as 300 BC by the Greek philosopher Aristotle , who also recorded the young cuckoo 's ejection of the host bird 's eggs from the nest .
24 General Booth 's Salvationist doctrine was a notable example , recommending mass emigration from the city slums to virgin colonial territories .
25 But the rest of Frolik 's information was not particularly valuable except in that it convinced the CIA that Britain 's Labour Party was riddled with Communist sympathisers and thus untrustworthy , and helped lead to the suspicions against Prime Minister Harold Wilson .
26 MIDDLESBROUGH Jazz Society was upset when Harry Edison 's European tour was cancelled because of health problems .
27 Scotland 's European champion was due to be the first of the team 's medal hopes in action , but lack of entries forced the organisers to abandon the heats .
28 IBM 's European HQ was based in Paris and a Frenchman , Jacques Maisonrouge , has been IBM 's most elevated non American citizen .
29 The other key actor was West Germany where Adenauer 's European policy was now supported by the Social Democrats .
30 Keeping the building 's historic aspect was not always achieved and as most of the barns were converted for residential purposes it was necessary to pay careful attention to planning and design to retain the original character , and this was not always done .
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