Example sentences of "['s] [noun] often [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Come retirement age , an old person 's fancy often seems to turn to Devon .
2 The child 's play often reflects experience in school and at home .
3 Locke 's contemporaries often criticized his continual talk of ‘ ideas ’ , for which he apologized .
4 Admittedly , Elaine 's cooking often left a lot to be desired , but she was at least conscientious .
5 Indeed , we have found that even users of some two year 's experience often do n't know about the basic ‘ power features ’ such as section numbering , tables of contents and , most worrying of all , how to back-up Ventura publications .
6 Feminist psychology 's methods often echo traditional psychology 's broader male-oriented methodological principles .
7 Children 's feet often stay the same size for several months at a time , then move up a size almost overnight .
8 ‘ It is surely Mahler 's best known music — especially since its use in Luchino Visconti 's 1971 Death in Venice — and it is also the only movement from the composer 's symphonies often performed independently .
9 Thus today 's miners often work lodes that contain just I gram of tin oxide , known as black tin , for every kilogram of rock .
10 Difficulty expressing one 's emotions often stems from unresolved childhood conflicts .
11 And , even if it were just an American issue , how can one claim to represent American art properly in the period when women 's work often led the way without including some of the artists I 've mentioned .
12 To be honest , Mildred 's stories often got rather out of hand , when she would find , to her dismay , that the whole class was listening and believing every word .
13 However , the farmer 's wife often had to deal on her own with callers and only 15% felt able to cope .
14 Nigel 's wife often appeared to haunt him after that .
15 In such cases , telling the baby 's father often produces a quick denial , of paternity or support .
16 The first diary entry was on 26th February 1804 when Green spent the evening with ‘ Mr.and Mrs. Wilcocks and Mr. Hardden , ’ ( his spelling of people 's names often varies ) .
17 Critics of a more open approach to young children 's learning often cite the Plowden Report ( 1966 ) as the source and inspiration of all that has been wrong with our primary schools .
18 Lighting in children 's rooms often needs special consideration .
19 Many were imprisoned and most suffered huge fines or the seizure of their lands ; the king 's friends often exploited the vulnerability of the Contrariants in order to plunder and pillage with virtual immunity to their own profit .
20 ‘ Today 's buses often bear names like Volvo , Scania , Mercedes-Benz , Renault , Daf , and Iveco — foreign every one . ’
21 ON THE ‘ Freedom ’ and ‘ Ragged Glory ’ albums , Neil 's voice often sounded desperate and enfeebled — a symbol of ranging helplessness .
22 The sub-title of Marx 's works often included the word ‘ critique ’ , reflecting his constant debate with other theorists — both ‘ bourgeois ’ economists , historians and philosophers , and fellow socialists .
23 When I lived in Dublin at the end of the Second World War , one of my friends was an obsessive film buff whose dramatic recall , frame by frame , of scenes such as the Odessa Steps sequence from Battleship Potemkin or the final chase in Fritz Lang 's M often hypnotized even the drunks in the bars we frequented .
24 Although he had an unrivalled ability to motivate players , Docherty 's approach often bordered on theatre of cruelty .
25 The writer 's children often ask , when watching television , ‘ Is this happening now ? ’
26 Men 's fashion often gets overlooked in the race to predict the latest and most fashionable trends in womens ' clothes .
27 Thus today 's customer often finds that he is hiring or buying the goods , not from the dealer , but from a remote and powerful finance company .
28 Finally , of course , the regime 's agents often added their own unctuous gloss to the popular mood they were reporting , anxious , in the light of the conspiracy against the Führer , to put their own unswerving loyalty beyond question .
29 Alex Katz 's shows often have the aspect of a cocktail party .
30 Unlike the government in Britain , the President 's party often does not have a majority in Congress .
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