Example sentences of "['s] [noun] and [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The union pointed out that under the Merchant Shipping Act , the loss of a ship terminated a seaman 's contract and that newcomers would expect the wages which they had previously enjoyed ; since these varied from port to port and ship to ship , domestic peace on board would be unlikely .
2 The accounting policy note on turnover adds : ‘ It is the opinion of the directors that excluding such sales from turnover would understate the group 's activities and as such would fail to give a true and fair view . ’
3 Anybody can can spend other people 's money and and as for that lady saying we want the young people on the Council good heavens the young ones would spend it quicker than the old ones .
4 And it is fanciful to suggest that an order on Mr. Tully to say whether he has received Abbey 's money and if so what has happened to that money could result in his ill-treatment or in a dubious confession .
5 Your directors consider that employees at all levels should be encouraged to identify their interests with those of the Company 's shareholders and that this objective can be furthered by providing means for employees to become shareholders themselves .
6 In Ireland , Barbara had learned a method of making cheese with unskimmed cow 's milk and when she returned to Ayrshire she introduced the new process .
7 You know and I and I 've only recently really come to terms with how much tha those early songs were part of people 's upbringing and because of Love Hurts and everything people come up to me a lot in the street and we talk about the sixties and everything .
8 Each judge was emphatic that Justice Morling 's decision and that reached by them on appeal rested on a consideration of the context and the wording of the claim that there was ‘ little evidence ’ and ‘ none which proves scientifically ’ that cigarette smoke causes disease in non-smokers .
9 The Divisional Court held that it had jurisdiction to review the visitor 's decision and that the visitor 's decision was wrong in law .
10 The Divisional Court held that they had power to review the visitor 's decision and that upon a proper construction of the university statutes the university had no power to dismiss Mr. Page .
11 They are the colour of the leader of the council 's shirt and as such as such I would have said cheap at half the price .
12 Editors invented elaborate textual corruptions to explain this , claiming for instance that Shakespeare had written two different versions of Brutus 's reactions and that the text used for the 1623 Folio ( where the play first appeared ) had mistakenly copied them both .
13 The Court of Appeal held that the stevedore 's employers were vicariously liable for the stevedore 's negligence and that the damage was not too remote .
14 Because we had more money , we spent more money last time , we bought a erm a men 's and a lady 's watch and that went down a treat .
15 I hope that local education authorities will have learnt some valuable lessons from this year 's experience and that they will take great care to consider what contingency plans are needed to avoid being caught napping again by a late rush of applicants .
16 If they give advice , they mainly do it after a lifetime 's experience and because they are anxious to help — though I 'll not deny that some parents can be real nasties as far as their children are concerned .
17 It was decided that the First Aid Post would be at Doctor and Nancy Little 's cottage and that the village hall was to be the Rest Centre .
18 Explained that I had no power to do this without your authority but would be glad to know Tolbukhin 's views and that if they coincided with mine I would ask you officially .
19 In seeking to escape from this conclusion it was submitted in argument that the reasoning of the judgment did not show , or show sufficiently , that Thorpe J. had given due weight to W. 's wishes and that accordingly he had misdirected himself .
20 During the interview , MacKie was asked to explain why nearly two million Shanks & McEwan shares had been sold with ‘ indecent haste ’ , after a meeting with the company 's chairman and if he had been told that Shanks & McEwan were going to issue a profits warning to the stock market .
21 A woman spends many years charring in Cremona ; she saves all her money to buy an apartment for her son when he gets married ; her no-good husband , the boy 's father , reappears after years and demands assistance ; she refuses ; when the son is engaged , she relents and negotiates subsidies to her ex-husband , for a suit , a car , a wedding-present ; she organizes a big reception to which she invites all her former employers ; nobody comes except a tennis-star ; there is no sign of the husband ; her lawyer tells her that the girl her son is marrying is her husband 's mistress and that he had already taken over the apartment ; she reflects a moment and decides to carry on with the reception , everything is all right , ‘ if no one notices anything , it is as though nothing has happened ’ ; passers-by are invited to join the wedding-party , which they happily do because the tennis-star is present ; the husband turns up in his new car ; no one takes any notice of him because no one knows who he is , except for the dealer he sometimes does jobs for , who tells him all new cars lose half their value as soon as they are bought and end up on the scrapheap anyway .
22 A vote was then taken on the resolution with 's addition and as amended by QC with the following result : in favour 29 ; against 50 .
23 yo you know if we had problems we 'd each talk to them and we had of course , we had , we formed a resident association and we took our problems to the resident 's association and and we wo , you know , if we had problems which could be ironed out the man , general manager of the development corporation , Mr would come and listen to our complaints and we seemed , you know , we we got along very very well really for such a small place with nothing because the only shopping facilities were in the old town or we had to go to Epping or Bishop 's Stortford you see ?
24 ‘ I know I did , but that was before I knew the labels were typed on Dick Tavett 's typewriter and that the bags matched those in the Post 's stationery stockroom . ’
25 It 's obviously in the Treasury 's mind and that there will be a factor that is taken into consideration when they do their , er arithmetic er , er about the economy and in the run up to the budget if we can look that far ahead .
26 Although it would have been interesting to have known which were Dr. Blair 's books and where the others came from , the important point is to realise what a very wide range of reading was available to the small number of people in this village .
27 Laidlaw had been detained by the police only hours after Barak 's murder and although they had interrogated him at regular intervals every four hours , trying to break him down , he had managed to stick to his story .
28 He finished tying a big bow dead on Kim 's cleavage and as she turned to go , she winked at me .
29 At first I get on best with the Highland laddies , matching them dram for dram and can for can , taking their cigarettes and suffering their remarks on the lines of ‘ No I still smoke ’ when I offer them my Silk Cuts but gradually as we get drunker I start to feel uncomfortable with their attitude to the travellers and even more so to women , and Howie , the guy I met last night , talks about how he used to slap the wife around and now the bitch is in one of these fucking women 's refuges and if he ever finds her he 'll fucking kick seven kinds of shit out of her .
30 He said that the PLO was pushing hard for a role for Arafat in Monday 's ceremony and that President Clinton believed that it was up to the PLO to choose its delegation .
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