Example sentences of "['s] [noun] but with " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Will delight fans of Boswell and Rumpole alike , ’ claims one critic , but it 's McKern 's TV incarnation which is the draw , and such audience involvement as exists is not with Edgeworth 's text but with the actor 's genial clowning .
2 Ken Bates , Chelsea 's chairman but with 27 p.c of Cabra shares , wants to strike an alternative deal .
3 In 844 Kenneth MacAlpin , a Dalriadic Scot on his father 's side but with a mother of Pictish royal blood , became king of both the Picts and the Scots .
4 Painted very much under Freud 's influence but with a neo-romantic hangover , this portrait incorporates a considerable amount of emotive distortion which serves , not to break the realist mode , but to enhance the immediacy of the sitter 's presence , so that Tindle 's face seems to press forward from within the picture space with almost mesmerising effect .
5 Thirteen years later , Fields and Stansbury did a follow-up study of Break 's work but with some changes in the research methodology which were likely to increase the proportion of those reporting disincentive effects .
6 I meddle with no tradesmen 's matters nor women 's matters but with the awl .
7 I meddle with no tradesmen 's matters nor women 's matters but with the awl .
8 I meddle with no tradesmen 's matters nor women 's matters but with awl .
9 I meddle with no tradesmen 's matters nor women 's matters but with the awl .
10 ‘ Yea , my lord , I believe you , ’ interposed the queen-dowager hastily — sharing her son 's expectations but with less enthusiasm .
11 That We should bear it in mind that blacks and Asians in this country have to cope not only with Chas 's disadvantages but with additional discrimination because of the colour of their skins ?
12 I was most comfortable using the previous day 's shuffle but with an added stoop .
13 An example from the late-18th century is shaped like a fox 's head but with a swan 's or duck 's head as the handle .
14 It was reintroduced in early 1974 , again as a private member 's Bill but with government backing .
15 They are probably at ease not only with women 's tears but with a range of private feelings and needs for dependency and intimacy .
16 I meddle with no tradesmen 's matters nor women 's matter but with awl .
17 I meddle with no tradesmen 's matter nor women 's matter but with awl .
18 I meddle with no tradesmen 's matter nor women 's matter but with awl I am indeed sir a surgeon to all shoes .
19 As he put the glass to his lips to wash out the thought , his eye caught the soldierly portraits all around , the Divisional insignia above the mantelpiece , the roll of battle honours flanking them on each side , and he had a sudden vision of the mess walls decorated not with these trumpery monuments to man 's stupidity but with the torn and mangled limbs of countless unfortunates and , in the place of honour , Corporal Byford 's shattered , still bleeding leg .
20 The second half continued as a fast end to end game until , with two minutes left , Zoe Hillyard shot at the Mutineers 's goal but with the ball taking a huge deflection and looping over the Mutineers goalkeeper 's paddle and into the net .
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