Example sentences of "['s] [noun] that [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Her mother , supported by two Christian Science practitioners , was in another room ‘ knowing the truth ’ and trying to reconcile her hysteria with Mary Baker Eddy 's teaching that passing on is a belief of moral mind .
2 I was haunted by Normandin 's remark that knowing people were doing something had kept him alive .
3 An immediate threat to jobs may stem from a sharp cutback in exploration work as a result of the Chancellor 's announcement that drilling spending can no longer be offset against PRT which is due to be paid on existing fields .
4 But there is , perhaps , one crucial objection to the constructivist 's claim that moving the focus away from mental representations and towards mental actions will make the mind-body problem appear to us as less of a problem .
5 It seems to me , and we shall look at this in Chapter Seven when we examine the notion of unconscious learning in drama , that there is some truth in Brian Way 's claim that relishing and enjoying something without fully understanding it can be of value .
6 It is apparent from Hudson 's remarks that inserting cycle facilities into established urban areas is not an easy task , a simple matter of earmarking space with a brush and a bucket of paint .
7 The study 's conviction that creating the panel met the need to dispel finally the belief that auditors were clients of the company , not he shareholders , was still not shared by the finance officers .
8 Charlotte could see from Natasha 's expression that losing her temper had been counter-productive .
9 In south-eastern Chad , Mosanat ( Mouvement pour la salvation nationale tchadienne ) claimed military victories in early March 1989 ( see p. 36519 ) and denied the government 's claims that fighting in that region had involved a Libyan-backed Islamic Legion ( a force of some 2,000 whom the Sudanese authorities said had crossed from Libya into Sudan in early August 1988 , and on whom the Habre government claimed to have inflicted defeats in December 1988 some 100 km west of the Sudanese border ) .
10 Editor , — We strongly support A L Clark and A J S Coats 's conclusions that screening for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is not justified at present and that more research is needed on both the effectiveness of early treatment and the natural course of minor abnormalities detected by screening .
11 Looking at those lists provides interesting reading and bears out the used-car trade 's view that having a lead-only car could prove to be a liability .
12 Curt Rohland , the president of the National Family Farm Coalition , said that the GAO report confirmed many farmers ' views that treating cows with a synthetic hormone puts the animals under greater stress , making them more vulnerable to infection , and hence leading to an increased use of antibiotics .
13 The target voters inhabit the Market estate , a council block so cunningly customised to ensure its residents ' safety that getting in is more exacting than gaining entry to a Tory press conference .
14 In March 1982 the Board informed the Bunchs ' company that following a review of its sales and marketing strategy it had decided to limit the sale of bulk butter to four other distributors in England and Wales and that , in future , the company would have to purchase its bulk butter from other distributors .
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