Example sentences of "['s] [noun] that [art] " in BNC.

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1 The jury rejected the newspaper 's defence that the ordinary reasonable reader of the " News of the World " would not take the allegations of such a person seriously .
2 Granada 's defence that the words were not intended to refer to the plaintiff and would not have been so regarded by reasonable viewers was rejected by the jury , after hearing that the officer had received " unpleasant and damaging " comments afterwards .
3 That joint reading perhaps lies behind the appeal in Walahfrid 's prologue that the quest for wisdom be revived and widened " in modern times " .
4 The king 's concession that the cost of troops should fall on the rich and powerful rather than the poor of the community was insufficient to placate the commons , and in the October parliament of the same year they presented a petition entitled ‘ La demande de la Commune ’ in which they called for the abolition of the maltote , the punishment of purveyors who took prises without making payment , and pardon for debts .
5 The Environment Department said yesterday that Mr Patten could not agree with the inquiry inspector 's judgement that the needs of the historic house justified the introduction of unacceptable shopping developments in the countryside .
6 If it is difficult now to concur with the Bioscope reviewer 's judgement that the film ‘ surpasses in technical achievement anything of its kind ever made in Britain , and at times soars to heights of directorial brilliance ’ , it 's still possible to understand how an audience that had been accustomed only to silent films might warm to the various acts on display .
7 When a new and relevantly similar action occurs , one must either call it good or take back one 's judgement that the first one was good .
8 They brought , not another Bailén , but defeat after defeat , justifying Napoleon 's judgement that the Spanish regular army was the worst in Europe .
9 The court went on to record that the issues thus created had been narrowed by the acceptance on the part of the applicant 's counsel that the right of silence could not be invoked against the Director prior to the charge of the suspected person , and by counsel for the Director that if , as he submitted , the power to require information did not cease at the time of charge then it did not cease at all ( save in cases where the charge was not pursued ) until the investigation came to an end on the conviction or acquittal of the person charged .
10 Not even George Herbert 's counsel that the country-parson 's rage might here and there be justified had comforted .
11 In 1976 a consultant 's report ( the Fraenkel report ) supported the BWB 's case that the maintenance backlog was £38 million .
12 Do these figures prove the government 's case that the LDDC is good value for money ?
13 It does not help Fergie 's case that the financial expert who has been advising her about the settlement is the same man she has been cavorting with in the south of France .
14 We have seen that on 13 June the Court of Appeal had decided in Heaton 's case that the Transport and General Workers ' Union was not accountable for the action of its shop stewards .
15 Having quoted from Lord Diplock 's speech in Wright 's case that the figure must be " basically a conventional figure derived from experience and from awards in comparable cases " , Balcombe LJ continued :
16 It is the defendant 's case that the plaintiff was at all times , pushing to proceed as a matter of urgency on the deal .
17 But Commission officials conceded Britain 's case that the evidence linking big bikes to accidents was not convincing .
18 It must always have been a real hope on Wilfrid 's part that a king of Northumbria from another branch of the royal family or from a noble line claiming royal descent would be more favourably disposed towards him than the descendants of Oswiu .
19 While this demonstrates the public 's faith that the police can resolve any situation , the neighbourhood police are thereby presented with a dilemma : they either criminalize formally legal behaviour or disappoint public expectations .
20 At first sight , it seems arguable that the restrictions would meet this requirement following Megarry 's decision that no unlawful acts were committed .
21 It upheld the industrial tribunal 's decision that a man in comparable circumstances would also be dismissed .
22 Given that a person could be an illegal entrant through deception , what standard of proof was to be applied when reviewing the immigration officer 's decision that a person had entered by deception ?
23 The First Division of the Court of Session so held in refusing a reclaiming motion by property valuers against the Lord Ordinary 's decision that a mortgage application form containing a disclaimer in respect of their liability to Derek and Margaret Melrose constituted a contract .
24 Anti-apartheid demonstrators were prosecuted for invading court number 2 at Wimbledon during a match involving the South African , Cliff Drysdale ; the House of Lords ultimately decided that the meaning of ‘ insulting ’ was properly a matter for the magistrates ( who had acquitted in this case ) and allowed the defendant 's appeal against the Divisional Court 's decision that the conduct had been insulting .
25 The Commission 's decision that the merger would create or strengthen a dominant position in the common market caused considerable controversy and was based on the following reasoning :
26 The three appeal judges considered this issue at length and , again , all affirmed Justice Morling 's decision that the advertisement was rightfully to be considered as being published for the commercial gain of the tobacco industry .
27 The Cabinet met on Tuesday 11 December and unanimously approved of Baldwin 's decision that the government meet Parliament in five weeks ' time on 15 January .
28 The Law Lords were upholding a lower court 's decision that the Southern Water Authority had not breached the terms of the 1981 Act by damaging a site of special scientific interest ( SSSI ) .
29 However , assuming the properties are significant assets , a full investigation of title is to be preferred to either reliance upon a certificate from the vendor 's solicitors that the vendor has a good and marketable title ( since certificates of title are qualified and their benefit depends upon the status of the firm of solicitors providing them ) or reliance upon warranties and indemnities alone since the purchaser would rather have problems disclosed before the purchase than have to rely upon a right to sue under warranties which will be subject to general limitations .
30 The general lines of reform must be to permit increases on prewar standard rents which will cover maintenance costs with a certain allowance for arrears ; but these costs should be certified by the relevant local authority and only collectable upon that authority 's certificate that the appropriate standard of maintenance has been attained .
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