Example sentences of "['s] [noun] do [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 But this emphasis on the reader 's response does not mean that Riffaterre accepts that literary analysis is subjective .
2 The addition of paid work to the housewife 's activities does not mean she is no longer a housewife .
3 But the addition of paid work to the housewife 's activities does not mean that she is no longer a housewife .
4 and J J , she got one week 's money did n't she ?
5 It said that PW 's independence was compromised by BCCI loans to partnerships in Panama and Barbados , and that from 1987 onwards the firm had ‘ ample reason ’ to believe that BCCI 's accounts did not give a true and fair view of its financial situation .
6 CHILDREN 'S programmes do n't usually have a strong appeal to adults , but one that does is Wail of the Banshee , running on Mondays on ITV at 4pm .
7 Even if the bidder 's shareholders do not include ABI members , the bidder might consider providing an open offer and clawback to its shareholders as a matter of best practice and good shareholder relations , provided underwriters are agreeable .
8 But if many of the theories with which the novel grapples have their roots in or near the work of Lacan , Lacan 's text does not escape the double move of appropriation and subversion which characterizes the feminist enterprise .
9 Whereas cow 's milk does n't have enough vitamin D or iron .
10 Freddie 's talents did not lie in that direction .
11 He had meant to ask his research assistant to sketch something out for him on ‘ A Woman 's Place ’ or some such subject , but the silly girl 's talents did not encompass putting pen to paper .
12 Hirsch 's formulation does not exclude the possibility of understanding literature in aesthetic terms , it merely prohibits us from claiming that this is how literature is , essentially , to be comprehended .
13 The gentlemen 's titles did not appear on the hand-painted signs at the foot of the staircase ; in certain other Oxford colleges such practices were countenanced ; not , Mr Bullins thought proudly , in Magdalen , which , in his opinion , was not only the most beautiful college in Oxford but also the only one of any consequence .
14 Apted 's definitions do not seem to take into account the student who goes directly to the shelves and looks for a book for an essay topic .
15 What I am clear about is that Parliament has not conferred such autonomy on a 16- to 18-year-old child by virtue of section 8 of the Act of 1969 , and that the common law , as interpreted by the House of Lords in Gillick 's case does not do so either .
16 The form of order used in M. 's case does not appear as such in The Supreme Court Practice 1991 , but is a standard modernised version of Form No. 85 headed ‘ Order of Committal ( Contemnor Present ) ’ and there is no doubt that it complied with the rules .
17 Thomas 's case does not decide that the visitor 's jurisdiction excludes the supervisory jurisdiction of the courts by way of judicial review .
18 Authoritative and instructive as they are , the speeches in Gillick 's case do not deal with the principles which should govern the exercise of this court 's jurisdiction in the present case .
19 Despite the initial support of the boycott by international operatic stars — most of whom were at the time on contract to work with him — Barneboim 's case did not excite much public sympathy in France .
20 Another stipendiary magistrate , heard argument about abuse of the process and came to the opposite conclusion from Mr Bartle , namely that delay in Mr Cherry 's case did not constitute an abuse of the process .
21 These cases must therefore have been regarded as distinguishable , presumably on the ground that Slater 's case did not involve any refusal to perform a service unless an unlawful payment was made .
22 ‘ Torold 's description did n't do you justice . ’
23 ‘ Being known as Danielle 's sister does n't worry me , ’ she told Australian reports .
24 There is a greater recognition among philosophers that belief in God 's existence does not need to be justified in these terms , and that theologians themselves do not seek to provide such justification .
25 NOTE A careful check needs to be made that the patient 's skin does not become sore while aids are being used and that the aids are being worn comfortably and discreetly .
26 The weakest form occurs when state officials act on their own preferences in situations where society 's preferences do not diverge from theirs .
27 But the bay 's defenders do n't want to wait until their estuary is a disaster before they act .
28 The Synod 's decision does not , however , reflect the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church .
29 The Synod 's decision does not signal an end to ecumenical relations .
30 If the party obliged to make a payment as the result of an expert 's decision does not do so , he may , if he is an individual , be served with a statutory demand under s268 of the Insolvency Act 1986 ; or , if the defaulting party is a company , it may be served with a written demand under s123 of the Insolvency Act 1986 .
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