Example sentences of "['s] [noun] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Gide 's response nicely if unawares repudiates the sexual-difference view of homosexuality as a solipsistic refusal of the other : ‘ how little he knew of the human heart ! — of mine at any rate …
2 All the advice we have read assumes that the wife will claim a refund of tax on her low income , rather than share a husband 's income so as to take full advantage of allowances .
3 Whitlow 's been very very good at the heart of Leicester 's defence today and that was an important header he won then .
4 Account executives must have a head for figures and a feeling for spending the client 's money wisely because they may need to explain costs at any moment .
5 On reflection , I vowed never to go solo up Cust 's Gully again and to be wary of guidebook information .
6 If agreement on the price can be reached with the target 's board then that will usually secure their recommendation and the offer will be made accordingly .
7 Removable mass storage manufacturer Iomega Corp has launched three new additions to its floptical drive family : the first is a 21Mb parallel port floptical drive for customers that want to use parallel ports to connect their boxes to laptop , notebook and desktop personal computers ; data transfer is 1.6Mbits per second and the drive costs £530 ; the other two are 21Mb SCSI internal and external floptical drives for personal computers ; these are aimed at users with AT , EISA and Micro Channel systems and both work with standard SCSI adaptors , such as Future Domain Inc 's TMC 850F and Adaptec Inc 's 1522FS ; data transfer is again 1.6Mbits per second ; the internal drive costs £360 and the external drive £400 .
8 This is a cost , but as Eisenberg has pointed out , it is a cost that is borne by the company 's shareholders rather than its managers .
9 The Directors of Waterford Wedgwood UK plc are committed to managing the Group 's operations so as to minimise any adverse environmental impact .
10 THE Prince and Princess of Wales tried to steal one another 's thunder yesterday as they swapped traditional roles .
11 Like this they bound slowly down the boulevard , with him laughing and kicking people 's hats awry as they come arcing back on to the pavement at the end of each step .
12 But nowadays there 's more elbow room and less cigar smoke — and the shrewder restaurateurs have set out to replace their lost business regulars by constructing lunch menus that are brief , light and designed to show off the chef 's talents rather than the customer 's credit rating ; it 's hard to believe that anyone can produce a good meal so cheaply .
13 Yet realistically this dilemma is likely to be brief as long as employers hold the key to one 's livelihood rather than the professional association .
14 Statements do not in my view lose the immunity upheld in Neilson 's case simply because proceedings contemplated when the statements were made in fact occur .
15 In this case that certainly was not so ; the ordinary means of access to the house was from the front of the house and to my mind it is very doubtful whether this yard could be regarded as a means of access to the house at all … in my view the section can not be extended beyond what was held in Brown 's case so as to include a yard of this kind .
16 So the pragmatist judge will behave like Earl in Elmer 's case only if he has an indirect , noble-lie reason for pretending that legislative intentions are relevant .
17 If he failed to turn up , the Commissioner had the power to hear the plaintiff 's case only and give immediate judgement on it .
18 It did not worry about women 's invisibility precisely because it accepted prevailing views that politics should be left to men , that the proper forum for female participation is inevitably the family and that the main function of the politically competent woman is to socialise the children and to filter the needs of home and family into the political system .
19 ‘ It 's the highest form of devotion , you know , to want to end somebody 's existence rather than let them live on without you .
20 Too often time on site is absorbed in dealing with contractor 's queries rather than in looking at the work .
21 It is further intended to change people 's attitudes so that they drive more smoothly and are aware of the kind of roads that they are using and drive at speeds tailored to fit the environment .
22 I suppose she 's thinking of Terry , she thought , and squeezed Sarah 's arm , although Believe Me If All had been Joe 's favourite rather than Terry 's .
23 Wha wh are you gon na , are you gon na give Marg 's present now or ?
24 We shall of course consider the Library 's proposals carefully when they 've been finalised .
25 Afternoon tea , provided by the students of the Beverley College of Further Education , will be available in the Mayor 's Parlour immediately after this concert .
26 Afternoon tea , provided by the students of the Beverley College of Further Education , will be available in the Mayor 's Parlour immediately after this concert .
27 A goblet heading ( fig. 4 ) is made in the same way , but use a firm dressmaker 's interfacing rather than curtain buckram , as the base of each tube is randomly pinched in ( as opposed to pleated in ) and held in position with a few hand stitches .
28 Grappling with this problem , feminists who want to draw attention to women 's presence rather than simply adopting male titles have sometimes proposed completely novel words ( for instance Italian dottora , a feminine coining for ‘ doctor ’ that flouts the rules of Italian word-formation ) .
29 It has taken a lot of chef 's skills away but it speeds everything up .
30 The minimal structural nature of these ‘ welfare states ’ can be seen to have arisen out of their regime 's policies rather than be created by them .
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