Example sentences of "['s] [noun] [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 For the province will be affected by the next Labour government 's policies just as much as the rest of the UK .
2 The secret policemen made themselves so hated by ordinary Iraqis that they now depend on the president 's protection almost as much as he depends on theirs .
3 A Big Mac in a Hong Kong McDonald 's costs half as much as one bought in a big-city McDonald 's in the United States .
4 Maria met Cavell 's watchful sapphire eyes and a furious resentment gripped her , felt on Cavell 's behalf almost as much as her own , because Luke could n't have spoken to her as he had earlier , openly stating that he intended to make her his mistress , if he had had any real regard for Cavell , or women in general , for that matter .
5 The comparison shows that the order in which the various cost details were revealed influences people 's choice almost as much as the cost details themselves .
6 I like Mrs Tamm 's silence almost as much as I like the impersonality of my room .
7 The electorate was steadily expanding during the course of the Stuart century , so that by Anne 's reign perhaps as many as one in four adult males had the right to vote , whilst the passage of the Triennial Act in 1694 meant that those who were enfranchised had the opportunity to make their voice known in frequently contested elections .
8 The lino had been Mary 's idea Just as well .
9 Not only are today 's tasks still as onerous as ever but , looking over the horizon , further potential tasks loom ahead .
10 After all , there are few areas of human experience that have not been written about , and you can experience your chosen one through other writers ' words just as well , perhaps even in some ways actually better , than through your own eyes .
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