Example sentences of "[n mass] know [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 These streets an' these bloody awful shops , an' the muck an' filth an' every thin' second best because folk know no thin' better .
2 ‘ Above it , people know every field , footpath , hedge , boundary and copse in the parish .
3 Erm , we hear a lot about the holocaust that happened to the Jews in the second world war but not so many people know a lot about the holocaust that has happened to women over centuries and centuries where millions of women were burnt as witches , but er , just because they were women !
4 He said Dad , there 's a lot of people know a lot more than we do .
5 Most of these people know an amp from a tea-bag .
6 People know the evidence of their pockets and are unlikely to be easily persauded that Mrs Thatcher 's Britain has been , or has yet become , the economic disaster area which Mr Kinnock depicted .
7 Erm you know people know the answers questions or they 've got an idea material of your own experience you know a lot more than they do , but it 's good technique to throw it back to the group .
8 Local people know the history of their surroundings well enough , but visitors may not recognise land that has been reclaimed unless it is pointed out to them .
9 we also feel that the majority of people know the difference between a basket and a trolley .
10 ‘ Only free people know the answer to that question . ’
11 It is said that Farafrans know the night sky better than most people know the rooms of their own home .
12 ‘ Fewer than a dozen people know the contents of the speech — some at the BBC and some at Buckingham Palace . ’
13 People know the value of individual meditation .
14 Pre-service training is essential so that the staff know the rules and how to work in a disciplined system .
15 As explained : ‘ It is vital that the staff know the programme is totally confidential .
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