Example sentences of "[n mass] because [pers pn] have " in BNC.

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1 Things like this should n't really surprise people because we have been telling them about what has been going on Down Under for years . ’
2 Olive Stevenson points out how difficult it is to empathise with older people because we have not had the same experiences .
3 Why is it so necessary to beatify and live in awe of people because they have a God-given gift that is so wonderful ?
4 they had no vision of a classless society , erm , personally while I 've no desire to see uniformity , I see no earthly reason why some people because they have a lower income should be compelled to live in inferior and perhaps crowded conditions , whereas the man with five or six or seven times their income can choose a larger house in a much more delightful district and I think it is things like that that make the difference between what I as a young socialist agitator was advocating and what we find today .
5 I want to end by saying that we need now to f go over this hurdle of liberation make sure that the vast majority of black South Africans who are deeply angry and I saw this anger because I was in South Africa when Chris was assassinated and this anger was turning into rage and the country was on a knife edge it could have blown up , the country would have burned had it not been for the diplomatic achievement of , of enormous stature by Nelson Mandela when he addressed the whole nation and in a sense seized power informally from white and black and the country managed to survive that but if that anger turns into rage again then the country could burn and I do n't say this to be dramatic but just to warn that in those moments when the media and so on do n't explain the situation well do n't forget our people because they have had to cope with this situation .
6 ‘ Quite a few employers are biased against ex-service people because they have misconceptions that they are either robots who only take orders , or that they will run around handing orders out .
7 I have added a further £25 because I have appreciated holding on to the material for so long .
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