Example sentences of "[n mass] can [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Pencilfish are less easy to breed than many tropicals and the fry can be difficult to rear .
2 More research using the new data can be useful , however , in exploring the sensitivity of the model to a variety of changes in assumptions and included factors .
3 Around £20,00 can be sufficient .
4 Large fish can be expensive to buy , but small fish soon grow if fed and looked after .
5 As a result of presentations from fishermen 's associations , Customs have reviewed their policy on the liability of fresh fish used as bait , and have decided that such fish can be zero-rated .
6 How exactly these small fish can be safe nestled within the anemone 's embrace while other fish and invertebrates are stung , killed and devoured remained something of a mystery until recently .
7 They can be kept singularly or in small groups , but ensure the aquarium has plenty of hiding places , for these fish can be aggressive towards one another .
8 Many of our beliefs about conditions in the wild for fish can be wrong .
9 Statistics can be tedious , but these demonstrate dramatically the great power and splendour of Argentine railways .
10 However , such statistics can be misleading .
11 Hunting statistics can be misleading since they record only those animals actually taken by hunters .
12 Shell-fish can be dangerous in their own right . ’
13 And how many people can be sure of things about themselves when they 've been brought up to please other people ?
14 But mind you , people can be awkward too ca n't they .
15 When he visited Moscow in October 1988 , Gorbachev asssured him that ‘ the Romanian people can be confident that it will always find in the Soviet people a reliable ally , a useful partner , and a true friend . ’
16 If elderly people can be involved in telling their stories as living history , especially to young people , then some sense of their real worth can return .
17 This done , the next broad area to be covered was the need to examine the various models of community economic development , how local people can be involved in the process of regenerating their areas , how the process can best be facilitated and what can be realistically achieved .
18 Until now the medical profession has been one British people can be proud of .
19 Everyone in the profession is aware that some people can be absent from teaching posts and not be missed .
20 Some people can be ambivalent in this way for years .
21 Billing people can be difficult , especially if they live in flats .
22 These people can be difficult to track down , but they do tend to specialise in specific subjects .
23 The only way people can be safe is to assume they could be the thieves ' next target and do what they can to protect their horses .
24 The intensity of reaction is normally very much less in these cases than after a severe loss such as bereavement but , even so , people can be surprised by their lethargy , sadness , even depression and bursts of irritation , which disturb what was expected to be so happy .
25 By this is meant young children 's explicit knowledge that they and others have mental states which are only ‘ in the running for truth ’ , that beliefs held by people can be false and yet these false beliefs can determine their thought and behaviour .
26 The idea that people can be sensitive to natural gas is a contentious one , but it is claimed that some people have made dramatic recoveries after removing the gas supply from their house .
27 Our bodies were certainly not designed to copy with them and some people can be sensitive to them , producing a variety of allergies .
28 The effects of alcohol on the social behaviour of older people can be severe because of their reduced kidney and liver functioning .
29 Sometimes , people can be evil , egoistic , destructive and aggressive , and think only of themselves as we know to our cost , and as we see all around us in the world , from time to time .
30 Creative people can be hostile to research , and your findings should be tactfully presented and not issued as orders .
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