Example sentences of "[n mass] in [noun] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The US schools market was more competitive , he added , citing Harcourt Brace as a particularly energetic contender in the field ; but marketing costs were down , so that operating margins were kept high — at 14% in dollar terms .
2 The increased output achieved on assisted farms has been 14% in cattle numbers and 27% in sheep numbers(23) .
3 USL 's November investment of $1m in Chorus Systemes , an investment that was subsequently increased , gave it a 7% position .
4 BCE Inc says it is ready to invest about $1,600m in telecommunications activities over the next five years in Asia , Latin America and Eastern Europe , and is interested in wireline privatisations , investment in wireless cellular licenses and joint ventures in both in different countries in those regions ; it has active negotiations with Mexico , India and Moscow for cellular licence investments , and is Cable & Wireless Plc 's partner in Mercury Communications Ltd ; BCE president L R Wilson also criticised Canada 's ‘ uncertain and confused ’ telecommunications regulatory framework , describing it as BCE 's biggest challenge , and calling for change ; at the annual meeting , he hit out at the policies of the Canadian Radio television & Telecommunications Commission , saying it is too slow in considering new products , services and rates — ‘ To be truly competitive , we need government policy and a regulatory framework which is clear , responsive and internationally relevant , ’ he said .
5 She was ordered to pay £15 in library fines , £31.90 compensation and £25 costs .
6 From 1846 they could sue those who owed them small sums under £20 in county courts , created for that purpose in that year .
7 A Yard statement said the five were being questioned in connection with the alleged dishonest handling of £16m of the £26m in gold bars stolen in November 1983 from the Brink's-Mat bullion warehouse at Heathrow airport .
8 John Wriglesworth , housing finance analyst at UBS Phillips & Drew , is currently forecasting a further drop of up to 10% in house prices next year .
9 This talking doll version costs around $30 in US stores , and speaks fluent brat : ‘ Au contraire , mon frere ! ’
10 At least one member of the committee has no objection to the committee 's papers being publicly available and believes that most data in licence applications could , with little loss to anyone , be made publicly available .
11 That these , and other materials , are taken as data in research projects is determined not only , or even mainly , by the subject matter of the research , but also by the theoretical presuppositions informing the study .
12 In a tactical retreat which largely quelled back-bench dissent , the President of the Board of Trade announced a two-year breathing space for the collieries at a cost of £500million in government subsidies .
13 BA has already paid out £610,000 in libel damages and £1 million costs , but Virgin wants the new settlement to cover damage inflicted in the three years of the ‘ dirty tricks ’ campaign of customer poaching and publicity smears .
14 BA already have paid out £610,000 in libel damages and £1 million costs , but Virgin wants a settlement to cover damage inflicted in the three years of the ‘ dirty tricks ’ campaign of customer poaching and publicity smears .
15 The idea of closing a mint-new , nearly finished base , for which $138m in completion funds have already been appropriated , looks daft .
16 For this you need a good spring balance , and most anglers , myself included , use a dial scale , which weighs up to about 30lb in 1oz divisions .
17 Birmingham is well served by public transport , while its frequently denigrated ring road system allows traffic to flow at a remarkably fast pace ( 17.5mph in rush hours compared to central London 's 9 or 10mph ) .
18 This forced the Central Bank , in a 10-day period up to Sept. 13 , to buy $800,000,000 in US dollars , to prevent Brazilian exports being priced out of the market .
19 ‘ Every time a cheque bounces it costs me £3 in bank charges .
20 The cughtagh was once admired as a handsome and benevolent giant who distributed gifts to the needy folk in hill villages .
21 Cut-Off Channel patchy , although roach nearing 2 lb in pleasure nets to 14 lb at Hilgay Bridge .
22 Control Data Corp expects to record charges of about $400m against its second quarter , about $130m attributable to Control Data Systems — $115m in restructuring charges and $15m in inventory write-downs as part of the transition from the proprietary Cyber mainframes to integration of open systems and applications .
23 Northern Fuels of Northgate House in the town was shown to owe £10,045 in rent arrears to its office landlord the Equitable Life Assurance Society .
24 He was released yesterday from Pentonville prison where he had been due to serve a 112-day sentence for failing to pay more than £10,000 in maintenance arrears to estranged wife Becky .
25 Ousley claims CDC has some $130m in cash reserves and says it is now in the market for acquisitions in the channels and application areas .
26 A further note shows that 13s. in customs dues was paid on plants imported .
27 Samples will be available in April with volumes set for summer , it is under $11 in OEM quantities .
28 Consequently , there was some shock but no great surprise when on 11 March it was announced that Taurus — after more than a decade of planning and more than £400m in development costs — was to be scrapped .
29 In 1989 the central government 's salary bill rose by 20% in dollar terms on the previous year .
30 Police know that on Saturday — two days before the murders — Julie cashed £340 in travellers cheques and carried the 1,500 South African rand in her wallet .
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