Example sentences of "[n mass] and [vb base] that " in BNC.

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1 ‘ For that kind of penance they will pay £550 and know that the hard work is just a beginning .
2 Molloy and Carroll address this issue on the basis of their transbinary data and conclude that NSE students in the universities not only out-performed SE students in these institutions , but also out-performed NSE students in the polytechnics and colleges .
3 We can not make the causal claim about cc and allow that other circumstances identical with cc have different upshots .
4 With 6lb line I can bend into a fish and know that there is some bend remaining ; that I have not used all of the shock-absorber effect of the rod .
5 Given the poor publicity generated by the Soviet Union 's agricultural failings , it comes as something of a surprise to look at the statistics and see that the Soviet Union is still the world 's largest wheat producer , greater than the European Community ( which also made agricultural self-sufficiency a goal in its early years ) by about 10 million tons in 1989 , outstripping the United States and Canada , the world 's ‘ breadbasket ’ , by almost the same amount .
6 That would provide quality for people and ensure that league tables mean what they should mean , which is a comparison of the delivery of services to people .
7 The fund currently stands at £82,680 ; additional monies pledged and/or in the pipeline will take the total over £90,000 and ensure that THE FACE survives .
8 Scientists have identified and studied 1.4 million animal species and estimate that there are between another ten and 30 million species in existence , many of these insects and invertebrates .
9 They have seen their work taken on by people with different motivations and agendas. and fear that such disparity must weaken both impact and cohesion of purpose .
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