Example sentences of "[n mass] of the time " in BNC.

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1 Flying boats were larger than most aircraft of the time .
2 In HWIM the correct phoneme was included in the top two scores of the vector only 65% of the time .
3 The correct word is the highest scoring 65% of the time , and within the top five 85% of the time .
4 Overpricing ( after allowing for transaction costs ) was found only 3% of the time .
5 Fortunately , 90% of the time these problems can be cured , but there are times when , despite the cause being visible , the treatment is less evident .
6 David Gilford , for instance , hits the fairway with his tee shot at least 80% of the time , Tony Johnstone gets up and down from greenside bunkers around 90% of the time and , just as remarkable , Colin Montgomerie hits 77% of greens in regulation .
7 Thirdly the equipment and systems reliability of ‘ high-bay ’ warehouses can now achieve very high levels provided that maintenance is kept to an adequate standard ; availability of equipment for use is often in excess of 97% of the time work is available .
8 This is only specifically noticed by the adventurers 50% of the time ( add 20% to this chance if they make a prolonged search ) , since it is n't obviously unusual .
9 David Gilford , for instance , hits the fairway with his tee shot at least 80% of the time , Tony Johnstone gets up and down from greenside bunkers around 90% of the time and , just as remarkable , Colin Montgomerie hits 77% of greens in regulation .
10 Research has shown that the best weather in Europe occurs in Cannes where it is suitable for flying training over 80% of the time with little seasonal variation .
11 The data we have at the moment suggest that we should reach our targets about 80% of the time , but our aim over the years will be not only to reach the targets in a higher proportion of cases but also to make the targets more difficult .
12 For our answer we have made an arbitrary assumption that he uses his car for 80% of the time for business and that half the repairs etc. relate to that car .
13 The most important result from these experiments is that if the first ten positions of the list of allowable candidate strings are considered , the correct words are present between 97% and 100% of the time , depending on the particular writing being analysed .
14 A corollary to the restricted data approach found in much of Chomskyan linguistics is the importance placed on writing rules of grammar which are fixed and true 100% of the time .
15 Law Society research shows that business affairs work provides 28% of the profession 's fee income , but takes only 12% of the time ; while 3 in 5 practices predict that business affairs will continue to become a more important source of fees .
16 In April 1860 J. Baxendell , a leading variable star.observer of the time , recorded an unfamiliar star of about magnitude 9.7 in the same field as Arcturus .
17 Using daily data for the period from June 1987 to June 1988 ( 272 observations ) , after allowing for transactions costs of 0.5–1% , they found a substantial degree of underpricing for Nikkei Stock Average futures : 42% of the time there was an underpricing in excess of the estimated transaction costs .
18 pH >7 was used to define abnormal alkalinity in the oesophagus because in normal volunteers the pH of the oesophagus is between 4 and 7 for 96% of the time .
19 Again if you think about how many people actually provide their goods on time to their customers ninety five percent of the time or provide the goods and provide them on time that record is their record is very good .
20 percent of the time .
21 If somebody calls you up and says something 's not working , always ask , well what did you change recently , and ninety five percent of the time , it 's that that 's the cause of the problems .
22 , it was almost the energy to manage to do it , a hundred percent of the time and a hundred percent of the occasions that they felt , I think , was a little daunting .
23 And I would tell you ninety nine percent of the time we get it and you know we s we s we do agree a date .
24 Ninety nine percent of the time they 've got copy that exists .
25 For 80 to 90 percent of the time things go well .
26 Er it , it worked very well for ninety percent of the time , but there was occasions when wind direction was wrong , and the noise levels were high and so on .
27 ninety five percent of the time it worked .
28 To what I suppose would happen possibly about eighty percent of the time , where you 're working , you 've worked yourself off to do a superb drawing of a house all day , and er , the branch manager or whoever it may be , is walking round passing quotes , and walks off not really showing any general interest in this superb picture I 've just spent all my time doing .
29 Have you noticed that by and large , not all the time of course but I should say that eighty percent of the time birds face that way ?
30 You can actually get stronger as you go along on all the benefits so instead of selling one benefit , you could sell them a multitude of benefits because it means that if you 're with a customer two hours or two and a half hours , instead of spending ninety percent of the time , chatting along , you , you 'll not argue about , you follow me , I 've stopped selling benefits , but I used to sell them brillian brilliantly , in other words you get , gives you a bit of meat
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