Example sentences of "[n mass] [Wh pn] did [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Anne Besant , as a socialist member of the London School Board in the 1880s , was acutely distressed by the problems she saw of ‘ gaunt hunger-pinched men and women … decent folk who did n't want to keep their children ignorant , but sometimes there were no boots , sometimes there was a baby to feed , sometimes there were no food . ’
2 Of the 23% who did not approve of the devolution , some commented on the speed with which the new system had been introduced and of the lack of opportunity for staff development ; others were concerned that localised development meant duplication of effort .
3 Mr Rampton suggested if Lord Aldington had not known what would happen to the Yugoslavs , he was the only person in his corps who did not .
4 ‘ I just got used to being in her shadow and I still thought there were people who did n't reckon I was better , ’ said Smith .
5 Man : ‘ Those were people who did n't have enough for dinner , got excited and fainted . ’
6 People who did n't like him said he was very sarcastic , but he always seemed to me to be a most sensitive and competent man .
7 Even people who did n't like country liked Johnny Cash .
8 In the late Sixties , Kasmin swallowed his pride and set off as a travelling salesman on behalf of the gallery to America , travelling the States with a bagful of transparencies , finding out who was interested in art from the local museums , and visiting people who did n't get to New York .
9 As Christmas and birthdays brought more Gortex , my confidence grew and developed into mild snootiness about people who did n't wear the right things on the hill .
10 Behind the myth of the big drinkers like Hughie Gallacher and Jim Baxter , are the people who did n't quite make it to the realm of myth , the lonely bores , the manic depressives , the failed fullbacks and the defeated unfortunates who had to retire early and find a job in the real world .
11 When the computer was the domain of the ‘ data processing department ’ — with double doors to keep out unwanted irritants like dirt , warm air and people who did n't understand what was going on within — the resident team of programmers and operators went unchallenged .
12 She used it with people who did n't know her very well .
13 BRITAIN 'S fifth-biggest life insurer , Scottish Widows , has been fined a whacking £120,000 for selling insurance policies to people who did n't need them .
14 The Kwanggu prints moved me to tears , and to wish that all the people who did n't vote were made to view these simple but powerful images .
15 A large aerial had appeared , projected from the roof , an aerial similar to those used by Post Office vans detecting people who did n't pay their TV licence .
16 It seems that the only people who did n't like him were his own family .
17 They were simple people who did n't go far from Cornwall .
18 well we always had entertained friends but we 'd never been in a position to put them up so that erm most of our friendly visits were from people who did n't live very far from us , it meant that families , nieces , nephews etcetera were difficult to accommodate because they had to sleep on a couch or a settee in the living room with all its diff difficulties , especially when it meant in the morning for breakfast you had to get them up and dressed before you could start thinking about breakfast , and I think that those sort of things are things that er people ought to take into consideration when thinking about new housing .
19 A good and kind man , whose reputation was only believed by the people who did n't really know him .
20 If all the people who did n't know Keller left his party the waiters would have to serve each other . ’
21 She wished that people would not interfere , would leave her alone , especially people who did n't know all the facts .
22 It was seldom , of course , that he met people who did n't already know .
23 With a little group of people who did n't give up hope .
24 The well-being of 71 dog and cat owners was monitored for ten months , and then compared to the health of 26 people who did n't own any animals .
25 When you sat your qualifying exam to go to the high school , er what happened to the people who did n't pass ?
26 For both of them , their work was to be a spokesman for God , taking His message to people who did n't really acknowledge Him in their lives .
27 But when it came down to it , it was the people who did n't really know Lancashire who found Walter Machin impressive .
28 She was longing to go somewhere away from all this , among people who did n't know her , quiet and dark where nothing happened .
29 Nor with the grumbling of people who did n't want to stand up when they 'd just sat down .
30 Ianthe went over to the window and flung open the shutters and it occurred to Penelope that she was probably one of those people who did n't approve of smoking in bedrooms .
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