Example sentences of "[n mass] [Wh pn] [vb past] n't " in BNC.

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1 Anne Besant , as a socialist member of the London School Board in the 1880s , was acutely distressed by the problems she saw of ‘ gaunt hunger-pinched men and women … decent folk who did n't want to keep their children ignorant , but sometimes there were no boots , sometimes there was a baby to feed , sometimes there were no food . ’
2 Some of them looked as if they had only just risen from their beds , as if this was breakfast time to them ; others had the look of people who had n't slept for a week .
3 ‘ You can trust us to wake up every day remembering the people we saw in the bus trips , the people we saw in the town meetings , the people we touched at the rallies , the people who had never voted before , the people who had n't voted in 20 years , the people who 'd never voted for a Democrat , the people who had given up hope , all of them together saying we want our future back .
4 ‘ You can trust us to wake up every day remembering the people we saw in the bus trips , the people we touched at the rallies , the people who had never voted before , the people who had n't voted in 20 years , the people who 'd never voted for a Democrat , the people who had given up hope , all of them saying we want our future back . ’
5 but they were much more interested in people of course with degrees but they did take people who had n't .
6 People who had n't read the small print of their contracts .
7 ‘ I just got used to being in her shadow and I still thought there were people who did n't reckon I was better , ’ said Smith .
8 Man : ‘ Those were people who did n't have enough for dinner , got excited and fainted . ’
9 People who did n't like him said he was very sarcastic , but he always seemed to me to be a most sensitive and competent man .
10 Even people who did n't like country liked Johnny Cash .
11 In the late Sixties , Kasmin swallowed his pride and set off as a travelling salesman on behalf of the gallery to America , travelling the States with a bagful of transparencies , finding out who was interested in art from the local museums , and visiting people who did n't get to New York .
12 As Christmas and birthdays brought more Gortex , my confidence grew and developed into mild snootiness about people who did n't wear the right things on the hill .
13 Behind the myth of the big drinkers like Hughie Gallacher and Jim Baxter , are the people who did n't quite make it to the realm of myth , the lonely bores , the manic depressives , the failed fullbacks and the defeated unfortunates who had to retire early and find a job in the real world .
14 When the computer was the domain of the ‘ data processing department ’ — with double doors to keep out unwanted irritants like dirt , warm air and people who did n't understand what was going on within — the resident team of programmers and operators went unchallenged .
15 She used it with people who did n't know her very well .
16 BRITAIN 'S fifth-biggest life insurer , Scottish Widows , has been fined a whacking £120,000 for selling insurance policies to people who did n't need them .
17 The Kwanggu prints moved me to tears , and to wish that all the people who did n't vote were made to view these simple but powerful images .
18 A large aerial had appeared , projected from the roof , an aerial similar to those used by Post Office vans detecting people who did n't pay their TV licence .
19 It seems that the only people who did n't like him were his own family .
20 They were simple people who did n't go far from Cornwall .
21 well we always had entertained friends but we 'd never been in a position to put them up so that erm most of our friendly visits were from people who did n't live very far from us , it meant that families , nieces , nephews etcetera were difficult to accommodate because they had to sleep on a couch or a settee in the living room with all its diff difficulties , especially when it meant in the morning for breakfast you had to get them up and dressed before you could start thinking about breakfast , and I think that those sort of things are things that er people ought to take into consideration when thinking about new housing .
22 A good and kind man , whose reputation was only believed by the people who did n't really know him .
23 If all the people who did n't know Keller left his party the waiters would have to serve each other . ’
24 She wished that people would not interfere , would leave her alone , especially people who did n't know all the facts .
25 It was seldom , of course , that he met people who did n't already know .
26 With a little group of people who did n't give up hope .
27 The well-being of 71 dog and cat owners was monitored for ten months , and then compared to the health of 26 people who did n't own any animals .
28 When you sat your qualifying exam to go to the high school , er what happened to the people who did n't pass ?
29 For both of them , their work was to be a spokesman for God , taking His message to people who did n't really acknowledge Him in their lives .
30 But when it came down to it , it was the people who did n't really know Lancashire who found Walter Machin impressive .
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