Example sentences of "[n mass] [vb base] that we " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , our data suggest that we can not be complacent about the risks of tuberculosis in the white population .
2 Our statistics show that we consume all that we 're capable of producing , yet we 're investing less and less in new capacity to produce .
3 But there are all sorts of other claims that people make that we are very much more critical of .
4 People forget that we 've had forty years of scientific advance since the first atom bomb was dropped .
5 I THOUGHT it was terrific when David JoHansen of the New York Dolls delivered such quips a : ‘ Who cares about the music when one has such sense of drama ? ’ and , ‘ We do n't play too good but we can dance as bad as we want , ’ and ‘ We do n't hold concerts — we throw parties ! ’ , and ‘ It does n't bother us when people say that we ca n't play , when we met we actually could n't , ’ etc , etc , but all these sweeping statements were launched in 1973 , and when those same epigrams are repeated three years later by lesser mortals ( i.e. Sex Pistols , Runaways , Ramones and Kiss ) , things begin to look synthetic .
6 Well , I mean actually , we would n't say that to him if he stuck something up in his front garden , that 's the reality ; people imagine that we have powers that we do n't have .
7 The difference between our position and that of the Labour party is that people accept that we would be prepared to use nuclear weapons and know that Labour Members would not be , so they would not have a deterrent .
8 How does that help us in the outside world if people know that we we give good training ?
9 Even though we have not yet been able to predict any of these quantities from superstring theory , many people believe that we will be able to do so eventually .
10 I think that people do n't want to see any more constitutional changes , but there are many more changes in the culture , in the way the Party operates at local , regional , and national level , which we will be addressing , but what we 're not going to have is more constitutional changes , because people feel that we 've made changes , we have moved the Party forward , we 're clear the direction we 're going in , and now the Party at all levels wants to address itself not only to building our membership , but also to showing how the policies we 've got meet the changed world outside .
11 Sometimes , though , we can be so afraid of what other people think that we shut up rather than speak up .
12 The trouble is , some people think that we still have elephants walking on the streets in South Africa , and do n't possess proper watches . ’
13 Er , one of the paradoxes of the modern era as er , pointed out by Tom Peters , not by me , one of the few things I do not claim original thought on , erm , is , is that it 's not that we , people think that we do n't have enough information at our fingertips and are constantly striving to gather more and more , the opposite is actually true .
14 You 've got to have specialised departments in any big organisation — it helps a lot when people recognise that we ca n't all be brilliant loners . "
15 It 's even a lot of money I think compared with the what is it , one point four million pounds that is transferred th through the youth and community budget into the Highfields area and that itself is a lot of money when people recognise that we are actually spending the equivalent of one tenth of the total county youth and community budget in one area of the county .
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