Example sentences of "[n mass] [vb past] [coord] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 A PILOT and three passengers , all Portuguese , were killed yesterday when a light aircraft crashed and burst into flames next to an airfield runway at Montargil , Portugal .
2 Reports about light aircraft landing accidents often say that the aircraft bounced or ballooned , pitched nose-down and then flew into the runway in a series of worsening crashes , smashing the nose gear and engine .
3 On the way back to his conversation the barman punched a button on the television and suddenly they were in Texas , where folk lived and loved fit to bust and discussed it all in idiomatic but poorly synchronized Italian .
4 Li Yuan smiled and bowed his head low .
5 Suddenly , as Billy and Mary got within twenty yards of them , the water erupted The girls screamed and cowered away as large , panic stricken fish surfaced and flapped around in confusion .
6 On 9 April , the British Third Army , under Lieutenant-General Sir Edmund Allenby , attacked at Arras , while farther north the Canadian Corps stormed and took Vimy Ridge .
7 But their kin survived and intermarried .
8 On one tank I had , the fish panicked and hid every time I switched on the lighting .
9 His staff glowed and pulsed as the goddess fed him energy .
10 On the 23rd August in the Europa Victory Suite of Manchester United 's Football Club , an audience of over 400 people and the media clapped and cheered the U.D.C. members when they voted unanimously against the planning application .
11 The resultant pooled concentrated urine was centrifuged and 1 ml chromatographed and assayed as before .
12 People lived and died there ; they did not grow old there , because no one could live for very long in the Robemaker 's hands .
13 You will learn how people lived and died , what has changed and what has stayed the same … the whole heritage of our human race if there !
14 For most people though there is a curiosity about the past , about how people lived and behaved , about whether they have changed over the centuries , and this can in part be answered by archaeology .
15 The heritage of Wales ' rural life is displayed and interpreted in a vast collection of authentic re-erected buildings where the Welsh people lived and worked
16 And people lived or died by their ability to , to produce a competent result at the end of the day .
17 The people shouted and threw stones at me .
18 As people tried and failed , the cash on offer accumulated until it reached $17,000 on the day Ed went on court .
19 You did n't see many cars in those days and most people biked or walked .
20 There was occasional boredom , people came and went , there might be a technical hitch but more than anything there was a fascination with the moving pictures and that , of course , was the essence of the experience .
21 While the organisers tried to keep track of all those who attended the conference , many people came and went after the initial registration period .
22 People came and went , including Colquhoun and MacBryde , but not the middle-aged couple that the name ‘ the Roberts ’ had led Marsh to expect .
23 My hospital snapshot is a doorway where people came and went .
24 People came and went along the street .
25 People came and went as she sat thinking about this .
26 People came and went , but almost nobody stayed to eat ; Lucy had the dining area beside the counter more or less to herself , apart from a business type in an Aquascutum raincoat who sat two tables away reading a caravan magazine .
27 ‘ We had a very successful festival last year in the same place and many local people came and enjoyed themselves .
28 People came and surrounded her and Erica , and I drifted away from them and around , seeing a few people I knew by sight and hundreds I did n't .
29 We all had a pleasant evening , and I was very impressed that at the end so many people came and said , ‘ How can we help the University ? ’
30 Hector called to all the people , " Come and share my treasure trunk , " And all the silly sightless people Came and looked … and called it junk .
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