Example sentences of "[n mass] [prep] [verb] what " in BNC.

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1 But for the next three to four years at least managers will have to rely more on their judgment than on hard data in deciding what to charge for their services .
2 Where there are gaps ( for instance in the Russian population statistics for the second world war ) , skilled statisticians can sometimes carry out very elaborate reconstructions of the missing data by using what is known .
3 In other words , NVQs give recognition to people for putting what they have learnt into practice at work .
4 You 're continuously working round and taking people off doing what they ought to do simply to move things around and you , you 've talked of that .
5 In recent years it has been widely suggested that our prisons are in a ‘ state of crisis ’ , a situation made worse by inadequate means for monitoring what the prisons are doing , and a lack of formal safeguards against bad practices .
6 It is as if there is an element of delayed action with centesimals and we have no means of knowing what the final extent of reaction will be without waiting .
7 Only several weeks later , as she lay stifling in her cabin on a filthy steamer from Trebizond , did she reflect that the Kurd , in the whole time he had been with them , had executed Miss Fergusson 's commands with punctiliousness and honour ; further , that she had no means of knowing what had passed between the two of them that last night in the cave .
8 I had no means of knowing what sort of line I had kept on my cross-country stumble , but it had been NNE as near as I could make it .
9 This can be difficult because the consumer has no means of knowing what goes on ( or went on ) in the factory .
10 And is there a relatively simple means of knowing what the transfer value is that you are entitled to ?
11 Negotiation is therefore a means of getting what you want from other people and as such qualifies as a tricky situation ( see page 168 ) , where the way you behave is a make or break factor .
12 Going away as a means of discovering what was really happening here , he wrote .
13 And often it is the only means of discovering what is happening .
14 I determined to contact Jenny , but letters and telephone conversations seemed quite inadequate means of discovering what I wanted to know , that is whether I could be of any use to her .
15 Robbe-Grillet 's insistence upon the essentially ludic dimension of all of his fiction ( and cinema ) was also a means of escaping what might be termed the prison-house of reflexivity ; it was not uncommon to find him distancing himself from Ricardou , even during the conference devoted to his work in 1975 , at which he claimed that even his supposedly ‘ theoretical ’ utterances over the years should be construed as attempts to maintain plurality and mobility .
16 These can not be known at the time the decision is to be made and a means of stating what is known and what is assessed of the influence of future events on the commercial performance of the product , permitting comparisons between options , is needed .
17 These can not be known at the time the decision is to be made and a means of stating what is known and what is assessed of the influence of future events on the commercial performance of the product , permitting comparisons between options , is needed .
18 The implication at the beginning of the text is that the lord feels his worldly duty and his love for God to be pulling against each other and unbalancing him : The state to which Hilton hopes to point him is one of discretion in which self-knowledge and the love of God are the means of integrating what seem like opposites in equilibrium .
19 Insufficient because it does not provide what law has to offer , which is first , an authoritative means of deciding what the rules to be applied are : second , an impartial method of applying those rules to particular circumstances , and third , a way of marking that the rules and resultant decisions are binding or non-optional on the parties .
20 The increasing reliance on managers ' reports as a means of deciding what the shops should carry infuriated Laura and complicated her ambivalent feelings towards her shop staff .
21 After Margery has swallowed Dame Sirith 's trick she has recourse to the same commercial means of gaining what she thinks she needs and what she therefore now wants — indeed yearns for with an eagerness that the clerk himself could hardly have hoped for !
22 The ‘ only means of modifying what they have done is to perform the same action when next invited to do so ’ .
23 Reason , whether as insight into necessary relations between ideas , as in mathematics , or in the form of inductively based prediction of consequences , simply reveals the means to achieving what emotionally one wants to achieve .
24 A good reputation will be merely a means to winning what I want from others ; I shall care nothing for the respect or contempt of people who can not help or ham me , and find no pleasure in the prospect of millions seeing my face on television or reading my books after I am dead .
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