Example sentences of "[n mass] who are [be] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The only people who are are the politicians whose job it is to sort this crisis out . ’
2 Vegetarians there are people who are are n't they ?
3 Nonsense , said the Fundamentalists , it is the Civil Liberties people who are being illiberal and intolerant by presenting evolution as fact when it is only a theory .
4 My heart goes out to the people who are being raped , pillaged and murdered just because they are Bosnian Muslims .
5 ‘ My heart goes out to the people who are being raped , pillaged and murdered just because they are Bosnian Moslems . ’
6 In the case of low technology design again he has an advisory role but with a general emphasis on awareness of the kinds and ranges of people who are being catered for .
7 I am s one that has just been recently appointed to one of these er regional ecumenical teams and at a meeting that was held for the three presbytery areas in the sort of west coast of Scotland , around the Greenoch area , erm it was , it became apparent that all these people who are being appointed er through their , their churches are in the main clergy and the convenor of the local committee himself a ruling elder of the Church of Scotland expressed concern about this , that there is no real er and I would just put it to the , to the assembly , there is there is no need for these members to be members of the clergy , in fact it would be good if presbyteries remembered when making a nomination eh that it , er it need n't be , it could be a , a an elder or indeed er a lay person holding no particular office within the church .
8 I would like to look at the people who are being cared for , the people that we 're talking about , are the elderly , quite often these people have lived through two world wars and given up their young married life , they have brought up their children through the bleak days of the general strike , is it right that these people have to suffer the indignity of charity hand-outs ?
9 4 Do you think that he gets what he deserves ? 5 Have you ever been showing off and something has happened to you ? 6 Why do you think we like it when people who are being bigheaded get show up ?
10 By an unemployment reserve , I do not just mean a register but a reserve of people who are being trained and well paid and who feel part of the economy and of our industrial community .
11 The the the er budget this year is is greatly over oversubscribed erm but applications for grants for people who are being of their work in their community .
12 Well it would be erm , the number of people who are being put out of work
13 It must be demoralising for workers to be working alongside people who are being paid twice for doing the same job .
14 erm New people who are being put in posts to liaise and to do this , that and the other , with a shrinking voluntary sector .
15 But that is Budgens ' staff who are being trained
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