Example sentences of "[n mass] have been [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A pretty , asymmetric bob has been precision styled to maximise the smooth , shiny finish .
2 A completely contrasting interpretation of history is represented by MacFarlane 's ( 1978 ) work on the origins of English individualism , where he argues that the structure of kinship which prioritizes the nuclear family and de-emphasizes other kin has been characteristic of England at least since the thirteenth century .
3 At one time the Kaszubians and their Pomeranian kin had been part of a powerful independent principality : their territory had stretched from the gulf of Danzig westwards to Słupsk ( Stolp ) and the river Słupia ( Stolpe ) , where the small town of Dębnica Kaszubska ( literally : Kaszubian Oaks ) still survives .
4 They had good reason to support Abram , since their own people had been victims of the attack .
5 Because very often on courses we find that people have been sort of nominated to go on courses , and quite honestly they do n't actually want to be there and they 're looking at their watch and as soon as they can get away that , that 's better .
6 Though people have been bungee jumping in Britain for 12 years , most notably from the Clifton suspension bridge in Bristol , it is only recently that commercial operators have begun to spring up .
7 In the evening I went out to a club , stayed up all night , was late for work the next morning , got sacked and ever since then the rest of the staff have been kind enough to pretend that I 'm still one of them .
8 When he was at school , Gazzer 's graffiti had been part of his act : another way of establishing himself as a ‘ character ’ , of making his mates laugh .
9 The win by Peter Crispe and navigator Tony Poole was an exceptionally popular one , the pair having been stalwarts of air racing for a long time .
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