Example sentences of "[n mass] [pron] is [adv] " in BNC.

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1 If we decide , in the case of the baptism study , that we must carry out fieldwork to collect data which is not to be found in already published sources we must consider how best to utilize what resources we have .
2 This is the kind of data which is not relevant to his objectives and thus it is not recorded in his model .
3 Reception of the investigators was particularly friendly and has resulted in a great deal of data which is currently being processed .
4 As Labov remarks : ‘ A hidden tape-recorder and a hidden microphone produce data which is as dubious as the method itself ’ ( Labov 1981 : 32 ) .
5 So far , they have worked with data which is relatively easy to characterise and to discriminate .
6 So , data files can contain data which is essentially used by the program .
7 With cross-sectional data it is not possible to make precise comparisons between changes in employment and economic activity over time .
8 The standard deviation on the gravity data is less than 30μGal and on the elevation data it is less than 1cm .
9 Chairman of the FUW 's farm tourism committee he serves on the steering group of Menter Powys and is vice-chairman of Food From Britain 's joint venture steering group for sheep which is currently investigating prospects for marketing quality Welsh lamb .
10 Some higher plants , notably the legumes like clover ( Trifolium spp. ) and lucerne ( Medicago sativa ) , can establish a symbiotic relationship with the bacterium Rhizobium spp. which is also a nitrogen-fixer and which forms root nodules on the host plant .
11 The amount left over shrinks by 16 p.c. to £12,734 which is just enough to cover day by day living expenses , as extrapolated from the National Expenditure Survey , without allowing for higher basic costs in London and the costs associated with employing a nanny .
12 Cohen 's estimate of the hemisphere difference in icon persistence was 23 msec. which is less than 10 per cent of the duration of the shortest delay interval used by Marzi et al .
13 Tarama is the salted and dried roe of the grey mullet , but is more usual to use cods ' roe which is easily available from fishmongers and delicatessens .
14 Good morning Vincent , I 'm enclosing copies of faxes received this morning from New Zealand , and certainly the rate quoted is more realistic , then drop down a line and put eighteen by two point nine five pounds , oblique kilo , equals fifty three pounds , ten pence , next line documentation , twenty pounds , next line customs clearance etcetera , thirteen New Zealand dollars , I 'd say Irish pounds , three point three , O , O equals nine pounds approximately and total it up , eighty two pounds , ten pence which is approximately a third less as you see David suggests you lean heavily on Air Lingus and point out at the same time that Challenge Seeds have no intention of paying this exorbitant rate , also what is a consolidation rate ?
15 ‘ Herrings is a rich source of protein and can be got in cans up the City Road for twenty-three pence which is less than five bob old money not bad eh ? ’
16 OR ANY other concentration camp mini-series which is just an excuse for some right-on actress to shave her head and suffer stoically ( see : The Joan Of Arc Syndrome ) .
17 Er there was a titanic party battle but I think the turn out , the local election turn out was over sixty percent which is dramatically high for local government elections .
18 Six sectors down ten percent , that of course included investment banking which we have n't touched on , but er the Lazard Houses profits were down a little less than ten percent which is rather good going , given their erm heavy specialist skills in M and A which were a little bit in short supply last year .
19 As regards the salaries of the U S A we 've read and seen about so many companies that pay sky-high for v various salaries and other schemes , we do n't want that in this country but we do want a degree of evenness and I would repeat as somebody has already said , that your salary has gone up fifty six percent which is very , very high .
20 The lower unit is characterised by an average porosity of about 13% which is largely derived from vugs produced by leaching of replacement anhydrite .
21 One is the identity and background of a fish which is either a catfish or a goby , sold as Halophryn trispinosus .
22 A deadbait is a dead fish which is either native to the water being fished or a specially prepared sprat or herring .
23 Everyone is familiar with this popular orange , red or yellow fish which is frequently encountered in bowls and cold water aquaria indoors .
24 The fish which is usually sold as a wood cat is Parauchenipterus galeatus .
25 The Magician from Datapath is just such a card and at £299 it is not frighteningly expensive .
26 Colour is more important to fish than to mammals and birds , and in fish it is often highly variable .
27 Due to the technical matching of microwave power output to cavity size , to ensure an even heat pattern , the standard model has 1425W and the Gastronorm delivers 2000w which is quite clearly far higher than models in that grey area of low powered domestic equivalents which masquerade as being suitable for commercial premises .
28 If I get a job now I 've got to get one that pays £110 or £120 which is n't all that easy .
29 The cost of 1,000 sample poll is around £50,000 which is eventually paid by readers of national newspapers .
30 It now has wholly-owned offices in Paris , Amsterdam , Brussels , Frankfurt , Geneva , Stockholm and Gothenburg , is a shareholder in a well-established US firm and has associate arrangements in the USA and elsewhere , enabling it to sustain an annual growth rate of between 20% and 30% which is now generating annual total fees of up to £5m .
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