Example sentences of "[n mass] [verb] always [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Stardent established AVS Inc in 1991 to muster some extra cash for its crumbling empire — the software , an environment for viewing complex graphics data has always faired reasonably well in the scientific and technical community .
2 With very limited resources and a minute technology base , the quality and innovation of Japan 's aircraft has always deserved serious study .
3 The teams waited in company ranks , to do what the British infantry has always excelled at : firing aimed shots faster and more accurately than the enemy , in any conditions .
4 The hovercraft has always suffered from the fact that it is neither fish nor fowl .
5 The discussion among organised and informed disabled people has always focused on finding new ways to integrate into the mainstream community but on their own terms .
6 Young people have always liked me .
7 Those who ultimately fail to get out of Hong Kong will do what Hong Kong people have always done .
8 These people have always Done Things in previous lives , perhaps to make up for their rather undistinguished efforts while being alive and in their own bodies .
9 After all , people have always wanted to do violence to those who stood in their way when they were attempting to commit robberies ; but they have been bound by certain conventions of which they were unaware .
10 Marmeladov 's huge notebook gesture towards Christ and the Russian people and suffering constitutes one warning that Dostoevsky was , at one stage , after something too big or too difficult or perhaps simply wrong for Crime and Punishment ; and Sonya 's declaration , again in the notebooks , makes a second : ‘ The Russian people have always suffered like Christ , says Sonya . ’
11 But the people have always said : ‘ Release our leaders ! ’
12 She turned away and added , addressing the landscape , ‘ People have always said we look alike . ’
13 People have always travelled to see the world and to find out how other people live .
14 Nonetheless , Scandinavian people have always found skiing fun as well as functional , and they have created resorts with prepared ski tracks to ease the way for cross-country skiers .
15 Throughout history people have always found a need to worship a god and to understand something more about human life and spirituality .
16 Said Faith Brown , 49 : ‘ People have always tried to take off Les 's dead-pan style , but never came near .
17 But , ’ said Dierdriu , ‘ that is only one of many legends , and people have always talked of a great and mighty ruler who will appear from the ranks of the ordinary people and lead Ireland to greatness . ’
18 But people have always lied !
19 Rain does not get near the walls , there is not enough rotting animal and vegetable matter , and the last people have always used the garden as a rubbish heap .
20 ‘ Out of the same racist experiences have come Richard Pryor , Eddie Murphy , Lenny Henry , because we as black people have always used comedy as a liberating force ’
21 Out of those same experiences have come Richard Pryor , Eddie Murphy , Lenny Henry , because we as black people have always used comedy as a liberating force . ’
22 Black people have always known racial violence to be a criminal offence and Black people always reported incidents to the police .
23 This was an important success , as deaf and dumb people have always encountered difficulties in finding employment , and there was a considerable risk that these difficulties could have become aggravated by discriminatory insurance .
24 People have always needed to believe that individuals make films .
25 Anyway , Glasgow people have always had a natural ability to entertain others , if not themselves , and as early as 11 November 1699 , a certain John Smith , not related to the John Smith who is a regular guest at a major hotel in the city , received permission from the Town Council to teach dancing .
26 Payroll Staff have always tried to provide a friendly and efficient service .
27 About 80% had always had an off-farm job and of the others most had started at a time of extra financial pressure on the farm , for example low prices for produce , loss due to weather or stock health problems .
28 Flora had always dawdled .
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