Example sentences of "[n mass] [verb] that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A comparison of historical records with modern data revealed that in 1893 , the fish did not reach maturity until they were 75 centimetres long , but last year half the females were fertile at 50 centimetres .
2 These data suggest that after medical dissolution , the risk of gall stone recurrence is not reduced by a high fibre , low refined carbohydrate diet : it may be lowered , but not abolished , by low dose ursodeoxycholic acid .
3 Our data suggest that in the quadruple vector the p10 promoter probably makes transcripts that over-run and down-regulate the downstream ph promoter products .
4 Thus , although it was not possible to obtain a detailed analysis of the relation between P o and V c o m at different Ca 2 + concentrations , the available data show that under these experimental conditions , K + channels were sensitive to changes in the concentration of Ca 2 + bathing the cytosolic surface of the membrane .
5 These data show that for the 65 — 74 age group mortality from stroke decreased by 42 per cent for males and 50 per cent for females .
6 Our data show that despite treatment nearly one half ( 49% ) of 100 such children grew less than 4 cm per year during at least two individual years of follow up .
7 His data show that between 1978 and 1981 there was virtually no storm runoff or soil wash where forest was undisturbed ; similar results were obtained for the catchment in which traditional farming was practised .
8 This planning appeared to have a cyclical character because Beattie 's data showed that for each speaker there were both hesitant and fluent phases following one after the other .
9 Comparison with PACT data showed that in the two study practices , the 4% ( 5701 ) of prescriptions not recorded on the computer were in the category labelled in PACT level III as ‘ special groups — non-BNF . ’
10 Gallup Poll data showed that in these four elections , 79% or more of upper-middle-class voters and 69% or more of middle-class voters cast their votes for the Conservative party , while more than 50% of working-class and very poor voters voted for the Labour party .
11 These data demonstrate that in Turkey HEV is more prevalent in warmer regions and in adults , beginning in the third decade of life .
12 General Household Survey data indicate that in 1979 , just 3% of women aged 18–49 and 8% of single women were cohabiting ; by 1988 this had increased to 8% and 20% respectively .
13 Old Lincolnshire folk claim that in the 1920 's one could stand at this point and see no less than sixteen windmills noiselessly at work .
14 Corps feels that with all the losses they must have taken , the Germans will almost certainly be consolidating tomorrow .
15 Moreover , criminal violence showed no signs of abating : statistics revealed that in 1972 , for example , there was in the United States a murder every 28 minutes , a rape every 11 minutes and a car theft every 36 seconds .
16 Although the Commission was dissolved in 1979 , the 1985 volume of Inland Revenue Annual Statistics found that between 1979 and 1983 the most wealthy 50 per cent of the adult population increased its share of total marketable wealth from 79 — 83 per cent to 80 — 4 per cent .
17 Mr MacGregor will also be shown statistics revealing that between 93.4 and 97.5 per cent of ScotRail trains met timekeeping targets in the four weeks to 27 February .
18 Statistics show that on average 924 prescriptions are dispensed each month .
19 The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development education statistics show that for 18-year-olds staying on in education , Britain is fourteenth out of fifteen .
20 ‘ This may seem obvious , but MMB statistics show that at least 50pc of producers could have profitably produced more milk , ’ he told producers .
21 FAO statistics show that in the period from 1971–80 , Latin America had the highest growth rate ( 3.9 per cent ) in food production of the various world regions ( Figueroa 1985 ) .
22 The latest available statistics show that in 1985/86 around one million people over pension age lived on incomes below the then Supplementary Benefit poverty line .
23 New statistics show that from 1988–89 to 1989–90 the universities gained an extra £100m through research council grants and research contracts .
24 IMF statistics show that throughout the last decade German interest rates have consistently been half those of the UK .
25 Erm that offic regarding productivity from economic impact of land reform , official statistics claimed that between nineteen forty nine to fifty four gross output value of agriculture increased by fifty eight percent .
26 Government statistics indicate that during 1988 , there were around 850 fatalities and 20,000 casualties in accidents where a driver was over the legal blood alcohol limit ( 80mg/100ml ) .
27 The report examines published statistics showing that for the first time since 1911 , suicide rates are increasing for men , particularly those under 45 , while those for women have been dropping .
28 And you know the objective for us is to see where we 're going , to be able to encourage our staff to realize that as a , that we have a future .
29 The whole idea of judging by one hundred days was resurrected in the Kennedy time and people applied that to Wilson and to Heath and to Margaret Thatcher , and maybe it 's just a media hype , but I think it does give us some view and I think we need more of a view on this man , because a lot of people are saying will the real John Major please stand up .
30 This is what has made some people think that in this work the distinction between good and bad is simply arbitrary , residing not in the nature of the characters but in the needs of the plot .
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