Example sentences of "[no cls] of [art] people " in BNC.

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1 Nor is there much in the fairness argument , although this is the reason offered by 46 per cent of the people interested in PR .
2 Forty per cent of the people live in only 6 per cent of the total area , and densities rise to 100 per square kilometre .
3 ‘ The first thing to remember is that 99 per cent of the people you come into contact with are people whom you do n't have to worry about at all .
4 It was also a lack of knowledge — 98 per cent of the people did n't know what the arguments were really about .
5 According to a survey conducted for the BBC in April 1974 by Professor Richard Rose , sixty-nine per cent of the people of Northern Ireland thought that the executive should be given a chance to govern but this finding was contradicted by the results of a general election two months earlier and may reflect the general tendency of survey respondents to make statements in response to poll questions which are more moderate than their real views .
6 In an opinion poll conducted in 1967 , ninety per cent of the people asked said they preferred Terence O'Neill to Ian Paisley as premier .
7 ‘ Ninety per cent of the people here rely in some way on coconuts to make a living , ’ said Paternas .
8 A further 9 per cent of the people who died spent at least part of the last twelve months of their lives in such homes ; so almost a quarter , 23 per cent , were in residential homes at some stage in the last year of their lives .
9 In the General Household Survey , a national survey conducted in 1988 , 70 per cent of the people questioned said that they hardly ever felt really well .
10 Sixty per cent of the people of Brazil now live below the poverty line defined by the UN .
11 The top 10 per cent of the people receive half the annual revenue .
12 These upheavals have created a society in which more than 75 per cent of the people are now urban .
13 A subsequent Gallup poll showed that 57 per cent of the people polled supported his actions .
14 Using that indicator , it seems that about ten per cent of the people in each income group have heavy credit commitments .
15 Replies were received from 60 per cent of the people contacted : 830 of the 1384 male applicants and 260 of the 412 female applicants .
16 But for over seventy-five per cent of the people we spoke to the answer was very clear .
17 Peace immediately sent the news ratings down by one-third , but the pulling power of radio in its heyday is shown in the fact that 45 per cent of the people listened to the half-hour general election speeches in the 1945 campaign — feats of concentration ( however imperfect ) inconceivable in 1990 .
18 The the trust has actually approached several Council 's in the area not just Harlow Council obviously but many many other Councils and I think there was only one other Council that provided some funding and that was something like two hundred and fifty pounds was offered at one time I think that 's ceased now so there is no other Council although although it 'd be interesting tonight although fifty per cent of the people who actually use this facility actually come from outside the town but there 's no funding directly or indirectly from any other Council so my knowledge would be if you exclude B P exclude General Portfolio perhaps I 'm doing other companies a disservice I ca n't think of any other major company in town that 's actually provided but Gordon can you think of .
19 According to Booth 8.4 per cent of the people of London lived in the worst condition of being ‘ at all times more or less in want ’ , ‘ ill-nourished and poorly clad ’ .
20 Seventy per cent of the people living on the estate had no wage and depended on state benefits .
21 In 1982 , over 40 per cent of the people labelled as of Asian or West Indian origin were , in fact , born in this country although the proportion varies from group to group as can be seen from figure 5.1 .
22 Eighty per cent of the people are farmers .
23 A referendum to dissolve parliament was held and was said to be accepted by 99.9 per cent of the people .
24 Life expectancy is only 58 years and 25 per cent of the people have no access to clean water supplies .
25 Even the World Bank has proposed that in Latin America , where one per cent of the people own half the land , they should pay a heavy income tax .
26 The regime 's opponents criticized this as inappropriate for a country where 70 per cent of the people lived in abject poverty and where less than 15 per cent of the 12,000,000 inhabitants were Catholic .
27 Forty per cent of the people who take drugs suffer serious , sometimes lethal side effects .
28 ninety per cent of the people vote against the terrorists ,
29 Charles Booth found that 31 per cent of London 's population in the 1880s lived in primary or secondary poverty and a decade later Seebohm Rowntree claimed that 28 per cent of the people of York lived in equal hardship .
30 I think it 's been established that thirty-eight per cent of the people who now serve on police authorities have business e e experience a an and I I really like my Lor Noble Lord , Lord , er do n't really appreciate the need for the changes that are suggested in this bill .
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