Example sentences of "[no cls] said [that] it " in BNC.

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1 When asked about the job ‘ scientist ’ , 69 per cent said that it was a man 's job and only 9 per cent said it was a woman 's job .
2 Asked whether the new rules have influenced either the amount or type of advertising undertaken , 56 per cent of those responding said that it had not and 11 per cent said that it had exercised only a very marginal effect .
3 Only six per cent said that it was ‘ a sensible way of buying ( it helps you manage your money , improve your living standards or beat inflation ) ’ .
4 Another 20 per cent said that it was ‘ a convenient way of buying ( you can get things how and when you want them , instead of having to wait , save or carry lots of cash ) ’ .
5 In the latest survey , only 5 per cent said that it remained a priority ; the emphasis had switched to defence , foreign affairs and the recession .
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