Example sentences of "[no cls] but [pron] 's " in BNC.

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1 Two swing eighth notes resemble this triplet figure : *** Sometimes you might see this at the beginning of a chart : ***** In some texts , you might find the rhythm written as *** but it 's not actually played like that .
2 Er but she 's a member and we went there for lunch and it was the ideal place , you know , cos there were n't any , many people around and so we had quite a nice lunch and erm whilst we were there we then had a drink in er in the bar and erm her the , the secretary of the club , a lady , came to talk to Barbara and she mentioned that she 'd seen her on Blind Date you see , and so I got to know more by listening to them two speaking er and er that 's where I learnt about er that .
3 But er but there 's the , the cream you get from the chemist John , er wo n't wo n't be like that .
4 And you you come off worse than anyone else and er but there 's no real way of speeding that up , they ca n't give
5 Now I think er it 's clear what 's going on here , there 's er weaving going on , I 'm not quite sure what the material is er but there 's certainly a loom with some kind of er , weaving being demonstrated .
6 you 've got to keep your hand moving er but there 's a temptation to try to er put more on so that it is thicker you know , but it does n't work that way you know
7 Yeah , well I say , it 's one of those things , I mean , you get bad but er but there 's bugger all you can do is there ?
8 . So she says , Right well do as you like , she says , er but there 's a four and there 's a three , I could n't get two fours , so I said right .
9 and the Diazepam , er but it 's nice and gentle it 's easier
10 Er and therefore it is usually very good foot and leg work and the line of the body er but it 's not , it would n't be ever so good at agility , because it is concerned with holding , with holding your body weight from gravity .
11 Er but it 's a wee break away , it 's a wee change of scenery .
12 Er but it 's a particular problem for probation , you know ?
13 Er but it 's at what cost to the environment that these jobs are provided .
14 In advertisement , er in the advertisement volume area , again we 've increased our market share amongst the qu er , quality dailies a marginal increase er but it 's nationally we 've done very well and for instance in Europe we 're sixteen percent head , ahead of last year in volume and revenue terms .
15 is it a contentious issue erm ho how is the criticized , very very short , because you are only going to be writing for about a page , a page and a half , right , so just make sure that every sentence or every other sentence carries a new bit of information and then people say , good , this person knows everything about this subject , full marks and you and er but it 's all too easy to , to focus on one or two aspects of say a question on trade or er er Harrison Todaro model of migration .
16 I mean sh shame in the banks I mean we do n't get charges any charges from this bank , I mean if , if you er put it in some banks you get interest charge you on your cheques and all sorts of things , it , it 's as broad as it 's long usually but er I mean we are gon na accumulate money , I do n't think we should accumulate very much more now , we , we 've ample funds for everything we need er but it 's a question
17 And that you know so er but it 's only well blackmail .
18 I hope it will be a birthday year in in every way , er but it 's not just a good excuse to have a party there is very serious intent behind this birthday .
19 I would have thought that it is in the government 's interest to promote efficiency , it 's certainly in the government 's interest to maintain the public interest with regard er to fraud or other wrong doing er but it 's something that the government ought to look at and again it seems to me that it ought to be a matter that er could be looked at if there was a proper inquiry .
20 Earlier this evening Graham I thought you erm made a complaint about the number of reports that are coming to committee er but it 's not for that reason that I wanted to dispose of this motion now erm but there are other reasons .
21 Er but it 's a very new area .
22 In fact Barbara was saying to me er wh why do n't you er but it 's not the thing that I 'd want to do .
23 But er yeah erm but you er but it 's so expensive erm to do it properly
24 I know he was off he was off sick on Tuesday er but it 's I know he was hoping to come in today I know so it 's worth a look
25 And er er but it 's funny how that should happen .
26 So it 's er but it 's a funny world is n't it , eh ?
27 The Santa Cruz Operation Inc may not have rushed out to embrace Unix SVR4 but it 's certainly creeping around it Indian-style .
28 So what this people are gon na do with it bu but it 's a prime location .
29 bu but he 's he 's erm active ,
30 But it 's s but it 's nice is n't it ?
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