Example sentences of "[no cls] that is [adv] " in BNC.

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1 That w that is exactly at twenty five , and that is allowing a doubling of the housing area to allow for all the other features that come within the new settlement .
2 So we we 're taking a consistent line on existing employment sites , we do want to reuse them but we do recognize that there may be circumstances where that er that is n't the case .
3 I think that its , its choice that 's something we have n't sort of looked at tonight , I think its the important er factor in a fact that we 've got an audience here with a large representative er percentage of er access to a car and certainly erm I working in the transport field in West Central Scotland , er that is not the case , in Glasgow where the car ownership is something in the order of seventy per cent of the population do not have access to a car or do not have access in a household , we , you are then talking , you have to look very , very seriously at what public transport must provide in order to meet just day , day to day activities and I think that this choice aspect is something that is absolutely vital as the lady in front says .
4 Er that is not as simple as you say though
5 Er that is not a consistent theme within the D O E strategy .
6 Now I in terms of the fine letter of P P G twelve erm erm er that is not entirely consistent , but looking at the special circumstances of Greater York , erm erm and the long time you 've spent on this , trying to reassure the public that we will do this properly , we think it 's the best way to proceed .
7 Well , er we 're not saying they do n't , er , you , we , we went there to protest nuclear testing , we knew that er you know , we , that that , that protest would be opposed , but now that those people have been seized , er surely the very least they can do is inform us that they 're safe and well , and where they are and what is being intended ; that , that is not , er that is not too much to ask .
8 Chairman of my all of the offices or er tremendous amount of work which has gone into the local report to the Committee , er but also to the tremendous amount of work which has been done behind the scenes which I know has been going on with er that is quite good for the officers erm looking at the budget er i in the line with what actually saying for them .
9 and erm I just think that women are so strong and , and another thing that I find er that is very important , is perhaps there 's women here we should look at why there 's only one female prison in Scotland and about fourteen male lot and including young offenders institutions and er , I mean what is it we are as agenda er just less criminally minded , more controlled , more clever , what , you know we should be teaching men .
10 Er that is very welcome , and also that there will be help at the weekends because as I 've often reported before , that 's often when things escalate at weekends for some unknown reason .
11 we will do all we can for , well especially at the centre and while , whilst acknowledging the need for it to resource at the schools at this conference the voluntary agencies , parents and even teachers admitted the greater need for specialists at the centre , that is we want more education psychologists , advisors of all sorts and er , therefore supporting options er at ten , one C , small roman one , and small roman three on the agenda , but er that is reluctantly not er not small roman two .
12 And er that is obviously going to contract because you 'll have seen the , the note that went round saying that , you know we have n't got as much money for that next year .
13 The that is so erm how much in total and or proportionally was due to equipments themselves being more expensive than expected and how much because the U K share of costs was higher .
14 I take it that because of the deletion of clause 54(4) that is not now caught .
15 Th that is why this motion calls for the C E C to introduce a rolling campaign aimed at introducing legislation which will bind companies to the status quo until new agreements are reached through consultation .
16 But , but sh that is still allowed then is it ?
17 Erm that is not the aim of Trabecca
18 If an earthquake happens in , let us say , Timbuctoo , and it is a very strong earthquake which shakes erm towns in surrounding areas perhaps sort of fifty miles away erm that is clearly a disaster of one sort or another .
19 Erm that is exactly our point of view .
20 Once you 've done it once it actually relatively easy for you to improve it an an and getting it better in the next iteration , erm that is exactly the situation you 've got here .
21 The Chairman of the erm that is already occurring , we 've had a number of reports erm already er flooding is based on a tide flap system erm so those you know we 're gon na have to live with that over the years .
22 Erm that is n't a constraint to consideration of new settlement sites in the A sixty four corridor .
23 It begins to sound from this description that it 's I twelve which is a bit of a dinosaur , a a dodo , that this is a county trying to carry on a thing which has probably passed its sell by date , that er it is n't fair to say that I five is primarily for industry , erm that is n't what the law says it is .
24 But even the fire where , you know , the first fire , do n't they , when she burnt house down erm that is n't made as terrifying as it
25 You 'll , you 'll have noticed that er in reading that that it 's , it 's the part er on er Zeffirelli 's erm Jesus of Nazareth that erm that is actually what we saw on the film is actually what 's written here .
26 a a and yes that is , that is quite erm that is quite erm
27 Which does n't sound a lot from , er such a rural county , erm , but I mean , you know , obviously erm that is quite a lot , in terms because you are the people that are having to pay for it .
28 But the the weaknesses is that er he because he 's a P L C then he 's got to erm kowtow to the system to the er the city and therefore erm that is always going to be seen as a problem for him as am individual .
29 Tha that is on .
30 But tha that is just it , you know .
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