Example sentences of "[no cls] i think it " in BNC.

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1 Er no I think it wa I think it was our , our mistake er , there was there were sixteen of us there and seven of us had sort of clubbed together looked at the menu and it 's it 's fifteen ninety five , to , the rich main course banquet
2 Which the normal one was er er , w I think it 's a five inch brace for the er er it 's five inch sweeper , in other words it 's er about Is it six inches ?
3 I know , but it 's a I think it 's the family .
4 Well I mean it 's impor I think it 's quite important to remember it 's sort of a means to an end .
5 Erm comedy by Oscar Wilde is th loo I think it 's Woman A Woman of no
6 We we we lived but we had a comfortable home , and I er I thought it was a lovely home actually .
7 And er I thought it was , what a money it must have cost to put that one commercial firm doing that .
8 Mr he had a lot to do with this and the Royal Artillery Club here had and er I thought it were a nice gesture .
9 Well he 's probably just caught him on the back of on the back of the calf but er I thought it was as you say I thought it was a nice sharp incisive tackle .
10 And er I thought it was so bonny besides the black .
11 So Mr Chairman sorry to bring it up again but er I think it 's in line what this gentleman said er bearing in mind I think it is a fact that this is a reasonable theatre enjoyed by people from a very large catchment area could you please tell us what support the the er playhouse has had from the local authorities adjacent to Harlow .
12 However it just so happens the last time an election was n't on a Thursday was in er I think it was nineteen thirty one when it was held on a Tuesday .
13 Yes I , I , I 'm inclined to go along with that to some extent , I remember once er I think it was eighty four , because in eighty four or was it eighty four ?
14 But , I mean the concern Carters Mead Resident 's Association I think is well founded , I think there 's been a lot of problems and er I think it can come upon us all to keep talking with them and to improve the situation should the should Woolwich back out .
15 Now this is er a lorry , end it 's er I think it 's a Frenchman .
16 And it was one of the critici criticisms that came out of the er I think it was one of the annual general meetings non-executive directors in there to oversee er basically as another control against Mister himself I suppose really at the end of the day .
17 till the end of the decade er I think it 's number one d er developing market so that 's the place that you want to get into .
18 Er I think it 's just worth mentioning again that it 's still on and er I , I think er it is really more important than ever now for us to impress on Chris what good work we do because er of the changing situation within the industry .
19 Are there any questions that people would , would like to ask , er I think it 's a very important paper , er important also because as most of you know it was all these new technologies and new drug treatments and things like that that are coming in , an awful lot of rather easy criteria are being used to , to look at the , the various things , and I think that 's why there 's a lot of confusion about what is and is not a good method of treatment .
20 Er we got through it.Erm and when you think there was no money from anywhere but that five shillings a week that we got from the , from the er I think it was called the Board of Guardians , I 'm not sure , and er we survived .
21 But er I think it er may have been started with and earlier group I do n't know , but I know you know , the certainly the the final stages of the playgroup were with
22 And er I think it was er in the election in er perhaps twenty two er got in .
23 And er when it come to the election of a shop steward about in ni nineteen er I think it were nineteen twenty seven , it were nineteen twenty seven er I there were two hundred in our shop and I got elected shop steward , mainly I think because a lot more , most did n't did n't want to be bothered you know but anyway I I and so that 's what I retained .
24 Er and I well remember er even as early as nineteen nineteen the election which took place immediately after world war one , I remember being er sort of dragged round the streets , you know , er I think it was enjoyable , I do n't know er by my mother , er attending these street meetings , er I I I very well remember it because I had a a a new coat , a new coat for for er for this particular venture , and er the two things you know are fairly deep in my memory .
25 But er I think it does n't really matter whether it 's erm it 's er you know relating to your own circumstances , it 's more l it 's more ab about just solving problems really .
26 And I think er I think it 's that what worries you sometimes , you know er er If it can stand the pace , but as I say .
27 Well I 'm sure this er I think it 's certainly nothing serious , it
28 Also had a spell on the motorway for about er I think it was just over a year .
29 Er I think it does , I think they should have one , one of those sort of places in every not in every complex , but in every estate .
30 But the management did respond and er I think it was just because of the sheer pressure of the shop stewards er making continuous overtures to them on each and every problem that came up , and they were not going to be set aside er with a simple answer er that would n't satisfy a member .
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