Example sentences of "[no cls] i [vb base] [be] " in BNC.

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1 If the figures that we 've been given the recent figures , cos w I 've been working on figures for August up to August but now we 've got even better figures .
2 Well I know but I 'm talking about , with break ins , I mean , people are a a I think are getting on with it and there 's no deterrent for the
3 If you drive from er I remember being stopped by one of those men in the dark glasses erm if you drive from Maine into New Hampshire the speed limit in Maine is sixty five and the speed limit in New Hampshire is fifty five and you just cross a si er y there 's a signpost which says welcome to Maine or New Hampshire , whichever way you 're going , and the second you cross that line , theoretically , you have adjust to the different speed limit .
4 It may just mean that you might see Er I mean is elevated above the A Nineteen , and indeed you can catch glimpses of it
5 Er I mean is that creating a sparkle ?
6 I think that as professional drivers we would all w look at that and s and see that Er I mean been out with very many lorry drivers and er that is the way that I 've sort of been with the majority of the guys that I 've been in .
7 She was er I mean was a pop s ex pop singer , I 'd only just stopped singing a few weeks before I started to work with Sybil and she could not have been more gracious and generous in helping me get through it .
8 So anyway er I mean being a keen motorcyclist I borrowed a Moto Guzzi last year , you know a big V twin , beautiful bike , I went up into Derbyshire and had a you know ride on it , and thought well that 's not bad , see I 've always had British bikes , and I think I might g I might get one of those , so I came back in the house put the helmet down and said hey that Guzzi 's not bad , I could get a decent one for about two thousand you know about nineteen eighty , you know nice Le Mans Two .
9 And er I 've been with them ever since , just come up to two year period .
10 I mean er I 've been told circumstances where there 's been a pensioners who ca n't move very well .
11 Whereas er I 've been to a meeting where , you know well , will you come and speak ?
12 Oh these courses mainly I 've been on is being opening the Guild you know , how to open a Guild , how to open you know , a Guild erm and er I 've been on consumer courses erm such as like that paper they just sent this week on what 's on , I mean that is nothing new they 've sent out in today 's Co-op news you know that our own label and all the nutr because the nutriment , I can remember er being at Stanford Hall on , on a consumer course for a week and you see I was on the er when I was know , know longer an employee , I was on member relations you see , representing the Guild and you 'd go through there sometimes and that would probably be a consumer task .
13 Er I 've been able just this week to set up a little er programme at er at work whereby er I have a list of all the newspapers and T Vs and radio stations on a file , and I can tap in a press release , press the button and it would fax them all one after the other , to the various interested bodies .
14 And er I 've been there all my life and that 's and that 'll be eighty seven years old come May and er I 've just worked on the farm all my days and er then of course when my people died I just er stayed myself , and then lived with other people here and there , just to help them .
15 Er I 've been doing a , been writing a book now , for about ten years .
16 I 'd heard a lot about er af er I 've been in the Transport and General Workers ' Union as a shop steward and so forth like that .
17 Erm I said well yeah he said every day you been saying er I 've been asking you what appointments have you got and I said I 've got two this afternoon and two tomorrow morning .
18 I 've er this , the the er hoe-down , I 've been advertising since before Christmas er and er although we did n't inform the members till about three weeks ago something like that er I 've been telling everybody about it and I 've had more response from non-members than I 've had from members for it .
19 Yes , I was working at Walsall airport er Walsall electrics , sorry , at the time and er I 've been out to the pictures I , with a couple of friends and er I got home this particular evening and I put the late night dance music on on the radio and they , they interrupted the programme to tell us that er Germany had accepted unconditional surrender and the war was over .
20 Well I , obviously want to try and attend meetings if and when possible , er I 've been to one last week , which basically was er because I do n't feel I 'm qualified to get up and David got up and spoke very well actually , he was always , at the police not neighbourhood watch , er to do with the cascade telephone system which we found out afterwards , after a three quarters hour debate a man came up to Dave afterwards and showed him a memo which said this cascade system has now ceased in November nineteen ninety-two and that was the the abuse on that particular meeting .
21 I do n't know catarrh but er I 've been thirsty the last few days
22 And er I can remember one day a driver , Len his name was and he er he said to the inspector , oh he says er I 've been through Corfe Junction he said at sixty miles an hour !
23 Well no , er I 've been there a few times .
24 But er eventually I found out that er , er , I ca n't er work peacefully here , because if I stopped for er , fighting for the benefit of the workers then er they will think that er I have been bribed or something like this and if I keep fighting for them then there 's no peace of mind , there 's always struggle , so I thought I 'll leave , and the second was , that I wanted to bring my family into this country and I was n't saving anything while leaving them because that 's a bit expensive area and er , the person who got the job for me he said let's migrate to Yorkshire .
25 Er I have been on commission basis .
26 Er whether it 's er slight moderate or substantial er i is er I say is irrelevant but there certainly is significant benefit as a result of er of thirty percent reduction .
27 The largest er state contract in the history of the state of California , something like four hundred million dollars was let to G Tec , and competition , er I believe was suppressed .
28 Er which er I suspect was due to the th the insufficient time to carry out the exercise .
29 Can I also say that the erm the fear expressed about Woolwich , I believe to be fairly well founded Woolwich building , a Woolwich er , Building Society had been on erm , entered into a long time ago on this erm and the letter that was read out at Potter Street area committee from Woolwich indicated that they had n't yet decided whether they would proceed and er I think is I 've talked to the publican since they have promised us an answer this week er we are intending , we have spoken , Dermot 's also spoken to our managing director we are confident we will have an answer from this week and I have to tell you that I think the answer will either no , or it will be so hazy that we 'll need to take some action and make a decision .
30 And I learn quite a lot myself but it does give me that little bit of a challenge that er I think is helpful in retirement .
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