Example sentences of "[no cls] be [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Glasgow High/Kelvinside are hopeful that Shade Munro 's prolonged absence will be over in the New Year .
2 As reviewed by Skaer(1981)it is probable that there are many different types of granule .
3 The interaction between CP 96345 and His197 is specific because the binding affinity for the perhydroisoindole antagonist RP67580 ( ref. 14 ) was not affected by the H197A mutation ( Table 1 ) .
4 If the constant john1 is salient when ‘ He picked up a jack ’ is input , the resolved LF might be
5 Genetic analysis demonstrated that the lesion of RJ2.2.5 is recessive and correlates with an autosomic locus , namely AIR-1 ( 8,13 ) .
6 Any copy taken under s42(1) is admissible as evidence of any matter referred to in the guardian 's report or in evidence given by him ( s42(2) ) .
7 Thus , when , ο is real and complex conjugates appear in association with s in the denominators of the partial fractions .
8 One is that the , the impact of quotes and the other improvements coming through in the second half of the year will reduce some of that impact anyway and also that that hundred thousand pounds overspend is sig is over-skewed because the proportion of quotes work in there is actually making a , making a difference too .
9 All the regressions found that β was positive and highly significant .
10 And that 's hampering the whole development process because it 's high , high wages , high wages creates migration and the whole resource allocation reflects in the economies er are disrupted and because people are moving out of agriculture because they ca n't make any money from agriculture they think they can make some money in industry like agriculture itself is being starved of capital and er so it hampers the development process , I mean it 's a complicated business but er there may well be some , some sort of strands of sense that we can draw out of this , one of which may be well if the government sectors are too large in these countries essentially it does n't matter who owns these companies whether it 's , they were privately owned or government , erm if they are inefficient they are inefficient
11 It 's a pure technicality , Mr chairman , but I did ask at the previous meeting er , that the erm , director of property services respond to me on a matter relating to Wootton Bassett magistrate 's court , If we have such a large amount of money that we can spend I think the questions that I posed then , er are relevant and I would appreciate a reply .
12 That itself should n't er impose er any greater cost on auditors , but it should , and this is the crucial point I think , it should bolster the ability of auditors to insist that their client companies er are forthcoming and open and where necessary correct if they can er problems which might otherwise bring their authorised status er into question and therefore it is a welcome enhancement of the law , it toughens up the law without imp imposing the costs about which he 's rightly concerned .
13 If we write unc then postmultiplication of ( 13 ) by co yields unc When the iterations have proceeded so far , say when r = s , that contributions from 3 , 4 are insignificant and may be neglected , then unc Previously , with unc absent , at this stage unc equalled
14 From a purely selfish point of view , if the policy were to indicate specific areas of the county erm where this policy would er be appropriate and would apply erm and as long as it excluded Craven , then I think
15 the chasm is too great though the gulf between God and man is , is far too wide and we try our various planks , our planks of being good , of doing nice things , planks of being religious , of being confirmed , of being baptized , of going to church of perhaps attending church , perhaps even becoming a member of a church , the plank of saying prayers I think you know and God does n't even hear us , the bible tells us , if I regarded iniquity in my heart God does n't hear me , he says I will not hear you , the only prayer that God hears from the sinner is God be merciful to me a sinner and we 've tried that plank and it does n't work , of course it does n't because that 's not what it means to be a Christian , the plank of bible reading , we can read the bible , we can memorise it , it does n't make us a Christian , Jesus said to some of the religious leaders of his days , you search the scriptures for you think that in them you have life , but you will not come to me , and so it 's not being in religious , er being religious or any thing else as we well know , it 's something far , far more fundamental than that , those words that Jesus said to Nicodemus you must be born again , that new birth , that new start , starting all over again , and so what happens , what 's it all about , what is it to , what is it to be a Christian .
16 Well I think it 's a case of just er being prudent and keeping all risks and doses down to the minimum possible .
17 Yeah , I was er being naive and thinking of them , in the same capacity
18 It is exactly because of that level of variance and because we considered er that multiple cautioning on some occasions , I think on the figures I have examined about six percent of occasions , er were unjustifiable that we have reviewed our policy .
19 Erm no what coming out of this is that how that although one would assume in the south that the peasants ought to be more revolutionary , in actual fact it 's the reverse and why is this happening , is it because of the fact that the Communist Party were in the n that maybe essentially that the peasants in China er were reactionary and worked within the confines of moral economy , but because of the presence of the Communist Party in the north they became more revolutionary and that 's sort of suggested by the success of land reform there and the fact that how , that they ca n't implement it in the south .
20 But er , I never heard of them if they did and er , I mean I , I used to involve meself not in politics or anything like that is the last thing I ever thought of involving meself in but er , I did er , sort er , well being on the milk round you used to see the people in , because they come to door to bring a jug you see and you , you talk to people and you know they were , er were sensible and they were , were should I say soft or had no er conversation at all like , you know .
21 When 30 µl of 3% hydrogen peroxide were used , most sera were positive and the staining was nuclear .
22 SE13 's feisty and fabulous Back To The Planet are the Radical Dance Faction it 's OK to like , a likeably ramshackle collective whose penchant for ska rhythms and reggae upholstery ought to merit them little more than outlaw status .
23 Psychology ( another recent coinage , this time by John Stuart Mill ) was still linked with philosophy — A. Bain 's Mental and Moral Science ( 1868 ) still combined it with ethics — but was increasingly given an experimental orientation with W. Wundt ( 1832–1920 ) , who had been assistant to the great Helmholtz .
24 The cause of the disturbed gastric function in the patients with idiopathic DU is unclear but their lack of the blood group A 1 antigen is consistent with a genetic basis linked to ABO blood group antigen genes .
25 On Sunday the British Waterways carpark at SE425264 is unused and easily accessible from the A656 , with toilets adjacent .
26 Yes , yes , yes and I would n't pay my rent because er ooh and I can tell you really the exact date when I er was pregnant because I know I quickened at the when it was first opened and er I was a waitress in the Room I think it was .
27 As regards Mrs er and the children , whether er it 's now been admitted that she was arrested and kept in that living room , whether that arrest er was lawful or not .
28 Two functions f : unc and g : unc are equal iff the sets f and g of ordered pairs coincide .
29 However , it should be noted that , while the first two columns of X are arbitrary to a scalar multiplier , they are also obviously arbitrary to any linear combination ; i.e. we may postmultiply the equation by a matrix unc in which unc and unc are arbitrary except that D must be non-singular .
30 In fact it is shown , in courses on elementary logic , that the assertions unc and unc are equivalent as is the pair unc and
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