Example sentences of "of patients " in BNC.

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1 These include : pedal cycles for a clinic allowing nurses to get out to outlying villages ; health care kits to help with the care of patients in their own homes ; training for different agencies ; and a variety of education initiatives .
2 The problem is that it is highly improbable that a group of patients with brain injury constitute a natural kind , even when they display similar symptoms on some test or other .
3 This is because no two patients are likely to have identical injuries , and large groups of patients are even less likely to be homogenous .
4 regularly validating lists to ensure that they do not contain the names of patients no longer requiring treatment ;
5 There is an urgent need for the NHS Review to focus on the development of training at all levels to ensure that properly qualified , trained staff are available to provide not only hospital care , but support and rehabilitative care for increased numbers of patients .
6 From Dr Armand Pastor GP Sir , I have started to get an extraordinary amount of patients with minor and sometimes major physical injuries caused by supermarket trolleys - pulled muscles , dislocated cartilages , broken fingers and limbs , ruptured yoghurt , etc .
7 Dr Williams said doctors should be put under a legal obligation to approach relatives of patients who have died in intensive care units and would make suitable organ donors .
8 It was of prime importance that ‘ money follows the patient ’ , ending the present haphazard funding of patients across district boundaries .
9 ‘ What that means is that NHS hospitals will be resourced according to the number of patients they treat .
10 BRITAIN 'S official drug safety committee is reviewing warnings to diabetics after deaths of patients taking insulin from human rather than animal sources .
11 Confirmation of the official safety review came after a n investigation by Channel Four television into the deaths of patients .
12 It is not a cumulative figure obtained by adding up the cost of treating a given volume of specific diseases and of restoring to health , or transferring to a better world , a given number of patients .
13 The review abolished local authority representation in health service bodies , gave a greater role to the Audit Commission to ensure value for money , gave doctors budgets and linked a greater share of their salaries to the number of patients treated , and held out the possibility of hospitals ‘ opting out ’ and becoming self-governing .
14 In 1989 it was planned that doctors would have to work to new contracts , under which their pay would be more clearly related to the number of patients .
15 Mr Sells said data emerging from hospitals in Madras was offering an alternative where it was impractical and too expensive to treat large numbers of patients on dialysis machines .
16 This may result in swift and brutal treatment of patients with complaints which are difficult to diagnose .
17 At least one-third of patients on the waiting list die each year because of this shortage .
18 THE Health Secretary , Mr Kenneth Clarke , denied in the Commons yesterday that his new NHS and Community Care Bill was a first step towards privatisation and accused his critics of trying to ‘ scare the life ’ out of patients .
19 Under the scheme , doctors will enter details of patients , their illnesses , their treatments and the results .
20 Labour will use the bill 's committee stage , which began yesterday , to argue that the legislation is silent on how care standards will be measured in the NHS 's new contract culture and how the views of patients will be taken into account .
21 It voted to cease all transfers of patients between hospitals from midnight .
22 This split will force the NHS to pay more attention to the needs of patients and less to the convenience of doctors .
23 The Swedish reforms give patients more freedom to choose who treats them and make the resources allocated to doctors ( including their pay packets ) dependent on the number of patients they can attract .
24 Even in Leningrad , hospitals are financed according to the number of patients they treat .
25 Years can pass before the unwanted effects of a drug are spotted and , even then , they may occur in a tiny fraction of patients .
26 About the hours , the stress , the inadequate resources , the incomprehending bureaucrats and , most of all , about the incessant and insatiable demands of patients .
27 About the hours , the stress , the resources , the bureaucrats and , most of all , about the incessant and insatiable demands of patients
28 It recognized that there was a National Health Service and a private sector and , rather than arguing that one should be taken over by the other , proposed sensible cooperation between them for the benefit of patients .
29 I looked along a line of patients and recognized a back still straight and a head still proudly held .
30 By the end of the century , use of drugs in cases of terminal illness was more common ; but many would have shaken their heads at the thought of patients dying drugged , as is the norm today .
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