Example sentences of "of wife " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But it 's all gone past my wildest dream , ’ said Denis , 39 , who has the full support of wife Lynn and three youngsters .
2 He had often told her that it was a social disadvantage having the sort of wife he could n't take anywhere , but he dropped this line when she started appearing beside him at literary lunches and old school do 's .
3 It seemed all of her father 's old acquaintances had not been too impressed by his choice of wife .
4 In this society it follows that real talent goes unrewarded and unflinching purity of soul is automatically derided — on both these counts I am to be numbered among the punished , especially in regard to material goods and services , financial security , the trust and love of friendship , and the divinely counselled companionship of wife and family .
5 But , dear Octavia , in the Case of Wife ,
6 The Bill 's interesting , I think , because they do have quite a few isolated episodes , like that issue of wife battering , which can be quite progressive .
7 He carries a picture of wife Sarah and his two young boys , just in case he forgets what they look like !
8 There is a high rate of wife battering and child abuse on the estate , and a concentration of problems such as drug addiction and alcoholism .
9 Bragging boyo Neil Kinnock ca n't resist outlining the charms of wife , Glenys .
10 ‘ There is a growing number of people who see cohabitation as a complete alternative to the married state — particularly among well-educated women with promising careers , who regard the more traditional role of wife as getting in the way .
11 Two brothers of wife Gail Spiro and a distant relative of her husband arrived in San Diego yesterday .
12 All I could do was to mumble that I regretted not taking my degree , and , though I could see it was irritating of me to whine , to feel stale and bored was not such a trivial thing ; that though we might have the vote now , meals still had to be prepared and children looked after and since this kind of drudgery was despised by society as not being ‘ real work ’ , we were in the hideous position of being both exhausted and imprisoned by it and also looked down on for doing it ; that I had honestly tried to be the sort of wife Richard wanted — and the sort of wife I felt I ought to be — but it was like being in a kind of airless cell and I could only see Richard as a jailer ; that I saw myself becoming progressively more and more incapable of doing anything , not just mentally , but from some kind of paralysis of will .
13 All I could do was to mumble that I regretted not taking my degree , and , though I could see it was irritating of me to whine , to feel stale and bored was not such a trivial thing ; that though we might have the vote now , meals still had to be prepared and children looked after and since this kind of drudgery was despised by society as not being ‘ real work ’ , we were in the hideous position of being both exhausted and imprisoned by it and also looked down on for doing it ; that I had honestly tried to be the sort of wife Richard wanted — and the sort of wife I felt I ought to be — but it was like being in a kind of airless cell and I could only see Richard as a jailer ; that I saw myself becoming progressively more and more incapable of doing anything , not just mentally , but from some kind of paralysis of will .
14 Eddy dangles a very tempting adulterous carrot in front of Richard and suggests a convivial evening of wife swapping .
15 Charles B. of Roxton had a fractured thigh ; others were suffering from spitting of blood , illness of wife , injury to chest , accident to child , cut hand , and — which may have provided relief of a different sort to the Board — two men with fever : Abraham Fox and James Rabbit .
16 The roles of wife and husband are defined in legislation in which the state is concerned with economic redistribution .
17 These are signs that the ranking of ‘ wife ’ or ‘ housewife ’ is low relative to other occupations — signs which indicate that there may be a measure of agreement in society generally about the status of wife ( such agreement being a crucial determinant of social prestige hierarchies ) .
18 A second possibility is that social ranking of wife or housewife roles varies with different socio-economic contexts .
19 Its implication is that being a housewife is something so eminently inferior to every other occupation ; it also belittles those other roles of wife and mother .
20 The social denigration of housework overflows into the even more highly valued ( to the women themselves ) occupations of wife and mother .
21 goes instead in search of wife .
22 The femininity of Woman with its emphasis on the role of wife and mother , is vastly different from that of Cosmopolitan , where the feminine woman is encouraged to be adventurous in catching the most sexually desirable man , retaining him for as long as he is interesting , and getting a super job into the bargain .
23 Families in modern Britain are generally more privatized and inward-looking than they used to be , with a greater interest in the home and the immediate family of wife or husband and children .
24 Thus the role of doctor is played in relation to the role of patient , the role of husband in relation to the role of wife .
25 The contribution of wife 's earnings to total household earnings showed some increase during the 1970s and then stabilized .
26 She did not , but she wanted to be the kind of wife who would have known all the things it would hurt to know , like the circumstances of his pleasure .
27 Like all good secretaries she had acquired or at least known how to simulate , some of the idealised attributes of wife , mother , mistress , confidante , servant and friend without being , or indeed expecting to be , any of these .
28 And she seemed to have made Connon a bearable kind of wife .
29 If you had stayed , the role of wife would have been yours .
30 The essential role prescription of wife and motherhood did not change , but , in theory at least , the importance of the work performed by mothers was recognised .
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