Example sentences of "be let " in BNC.

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1 There was also a walled kitchen garden , which had been let go to grass , and a large hole had been knocked into one of the walls to let the tractor in to mow it .
2 Another charged that Lebanon 's Christians had been let down by President Franois Mitterrand .
3 Although he had kept up his reading — particularly in Greek and French — and written some stories for the Speaker , he believed his intellect had been let sleep .
4 At last he said , with a helpless shrug , ‘ I feel I 've been let out of prison . ’
5 All hell would have been let loose by the French plants and the French Government if the boot had been on the other foot and anyone had attempted to transfer products and facilities from France to the UK .
6 He felt he would have been let down by his fellow journalists .
7 Until that moment Evelyn had not realized exactly what had taken place when she had been let down from over the machine .
8 It also transpired that parts of England ( east and south-east ) were put on full invasion alert at the time , but it seems that ‘ Cromwell ’ had been ignored in some places where the junior officers who happened to be on duty had not been let into the secret of what it meant .
9 ONCE again , we had been let down by the refusal of human beings to conform to expected patterns .
10 Alderman Hegarty claimed that of 250 houses in the Belmont estate , only 17 had been let to Catholics .
11 The Fishing Temple at Sharpham in Devon has been let in this way for many years .
12 But joy of joys , the New Moon in Scorpio on the 29th and some stunning planetary aspects in early November should spark off some kind of personal revival and no matter how many times you have been let down or left in the lurch in the past , emotionally this can and ought to be one of the happiest times you have ever known .
13 ‘ You look as if you 've only just been let out on parole ! ’
14 The only times you were allowed to double up — that 's two beats together — down Scotland Road , say , where two would be allowed together , until they 'd cleared the street after the pubs had been let out .
15 This may be so but , once one developer has been let in , the decision could open the floodgate for scores of unsuitable , unnecessary applications .
16 It will be much easier to reactivate the application of an unsuccessful candidate who has been let down gently .
17 Rescrawling Tommy Titmouse on her list I was interested to see how long it had grown , and I noticed that even Mercer had n't been let in without signing .
18 ROLLERSKATE SKINNY sound like hyperactive urchins who 've had one bottle of Strongbow too many and been let loose in the local guitar shop .
19 If the land has been let on an exempt basis after 31 July 1989 , the landlord needs Customs ' written permission to opt ( Sch 6A , para 3(6) ( a ) and ( 10 ) ; Notice 742B , part V ) .
20 The largest , some 295,000 sq ft has already been let to the London Underwriting Centre .
21 Mr Doogan — who had previously been let in to the site at Aldermaston , Berks — claimed a new rule banned Irish people .
22 MARTIN Offiah has been let off lightly over his Charity Shield loser 's medal snub .
23 He had been let down several times , they had done all sorts of things without asking him , and sometimes he only found out what they 'd been up to when the papers rang for comment .
24 At first the flats had been let to carefully chosen tenants and an attempt made to preserve the modest amenities ; the square of lawn bordering the road , the two rose beds , the hanging windowboxes on each of the balconies .
25 We 've not been let down once since ‘ Wrote For Luck ’ ; danceable with brilliant lyrics , every one .
26 ‘ It has only ever been let in the summer , and no one has been here yet this year except the people last month , folk from Cornwall , I think .
27 Not for the first time this year , Seles had been let off with a mere slap on the wrist .
28 ( It is somewhat remarkable to note that after such stirring events , the committee went on to draw the master 's attention to the fact that a horse had been observed grazing in the paddock , which had been let for sheep only .
29 Doubtless it included rent from Garsington as well as from the Whitchurch glebe , which must have been let to farm seeing that his own agricultural interests were limited to a couple of dozen sheep and some poultry .
30 Not only had most manorial demesnes been let to farm well before the beginning of the Tudor epoch , small freeholds and customary tenements were also regularly managed in the same fashion — indeed , they must frequently have been treated as investments .
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