Example sentences of "be signs " in BNC.

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1 I write that the paradox is apparent because there have been signs of the same phenomenon in England over the past few seasons — and also because it is not at all surprising when you come to think about it .
2 And , since the casualty list of the Westland Affair , there have been signs that the Thatcher Cabinet may function more collectively for a time at least .
3 This polarisation of attitudes was perhaps unfortunate since there had been signs of a certain willingness on the part of the Department to reconsider the validity of their ideas and to give some weight to the social issues behind the public reaction to the housing policy .
4 Jackals and martens could hardly have lifted the latch and , even if they had found their way in , there would have been signs of a scuffle : dead chickens , scattered feathers .
5 There had been signs that some of the cabins had been occupied by women .
6 Surely there would have been signs of porpoise tanks or something of that kind on board , and there was only the diving equipment and the submersible research vehicle .
7 There had certainly been signs .
8 In more recent years there have been signs of a change in emphasis .
9 In the past year he had been restraining the army and trying for a political settlement ; and there have been signs that Tamil extremists may be prepared to talk about autonomy rather than secession .
10 In the past few years there have been signs of its introduction and extension by manufacturing organisations experiencing increasing volatility in their markets , increasing inability to predict their manpower requirements and increasing pressures to minimise labour costs .
11 As recently as 1985 , there had been signs of greater even-handedness on the part of the RUC , reflected in more frequent prosecutions of Protestants for ‘ insurgency offences ’ .
12 This season there have been signs that Jane 's early talent is budding anew .
13 The winter of Keynesian discontent probably occurred in the early 1980s , since when there have been signs of a marked rally .
14 Fisons had been targeted by environmentalists for its peat-cutting work on sites of special scientific interest ( SSSIs ) , and there had been signs recently that protests were becoming more militant .
15 There are signs GM is preparing the necessary US filings and there is talk that it has already approached Jaguar 's union leaders .
16 The election of FW de Klerk as president is a sign of progress , they say , and the imminent release of Walter Sisulu and the apparent movement towards negotiations are signs of a new atmosphere .
17 Discipline was a failing during Barrow 's years at Warrington , but there are signs that Brian Johnson has aggression under control and is about to tap the club 's potential .
18 However , there are signs of change at some levels , because men are now being accepted on to the CARE course , which provides specialist training in how to deal with victims of sex crimes , although this might simply reflect a recognition that an increasing number of victims are young boys .
19 There are signs at times of a reversion to a more primitive level of superstition in the play , a slipping beneath Christianity to Frazerian rituals half hinted at , but suppressed beneath normal life .
20 Further , there are signs that another call will be made on Mrs Thatcher , fresh from her latest triumph in her celebrated role as the Instant Megaphone , performing God Bless America .
21 THERE are signs that we are beginning to acknowledge our need for community support , encouraged , ironically , by a welfare state that can no longer pretend to provide a substitute for friendship .
22 There are signs of this .
23 But there are signs that East Germans may get hard D-marks for their funny-money Ostmarks even earlier , as a nice surprise before the summer holidays .
24 But according Mr Marek Dabrowski , a deputy finance minister , the screws will not be loosened much until there are signs that Polish industry is adjusting to the real world .
25 There are signs that the lesson is being learnt : like other land reformers before him , Zimbabwe 's President Robert Mugabe is trading collective ideology for private efficiency .
26 There are signs of increased activity in Thailand by the Japanese yakuza , Chinese triads and now by international terrorists as well .
27 There are signs that the council of Lloyd 's is starting to listen to the names ' cries .
28 But there are signs that the prime minister has got his timing right and is setting a shrewd course .
29 For those who wish to see , there are signs of a distinctive Major philosophy — some of it Thatcherite , some of it Labourish .
30 Visible ideas are signs and indications of tangible ideas , and have a constant and universal connection with them which was ‘ learnt at our first entrance into the world ; and ever since , almost every moment of our lives , it has been occurring to our thoughts , and fastening and striking deeper on our minds . ’
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