Example sentences of "be included " in BNC.

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1 This brief and simplified introduction has been included for completeness , and hopefully to show that the examination of the earth 's magnetosphere in relation to propagation is not a difficult project to undertake , the equipment is easy to build and has the advantage of being a both interesting and useful addition to your capability .
2 I have no doubt excluded towering figures who ought to have been included , and included some less important .
3 Dilip Vengsarkar , who lost the captaincy after taking part in an unauthorised tour of North America , has also been included in the squad .
4 Holiday homes and commercial property have been included among the lots to be auctioned .
5 Not in the conference halls of Blackpool but at Murrayfield after Tony Stanger , the 21-year-old Hawick threequarter , had been included in Scotland 's team for the opening international of the season , against Fiji , on 28 October .
6 In addition to the evening sessions there will be four ‘ away-days ’ on Saturdays ( from 10.00 am to 4.30 am ) , which give the opportunity for some extended skill-training and group-work ( an additional ‘ away-day ’ has been included this year ) .
7 Three new tournaments and four new locations have been included on next year 's PGA European Tour schedule .
8 Adrian Davies , Cambridge 's stand-off yesterday , has been included in the Wales Under-21 training squad in Cardiff on December 28-29 .
9 They have asked if Jewish women have ever really been included in the Jewish covenant .
10 Exercise has not been included in this because too few people have a history of exercise attempts in the same way as they have diet attempts .
11 It would be still more so if all the ways in which nucleic acid molecules can recombine had been included .
12 The Treasury says the decision to change the basis of treatment , announced by Peter Lilley , Trade and Industry Secretary , on February 13 , came too late to affect the current year 's figures but have been included in the 1993–94 estimates .
13 Vice-captain Geoff Marsh , Bruce Reid , Merv Hughes , Peter Taylor and Steve Waugh have all been omitted from the party of 13 while uncapped batsman Damien Martyn and the Victoria and former Sussex all-rounder Tony Dodemaide have been included in a new-look team , along with spinners Shane Warne and Greg Matthews .
14 Thus , from 1930–31 , the District 's providing powers in Bedfordshire were limited to urban areas and the Cambridge Board assumed Chapter III powers in those rural areas which had been included in Shearman 's territory between 1927–30 .
15 With hindsight probably a fifth rating to the substantiation scale ‘ partly or completely substantiated and malicious referral suspected ’ should have been included .
16 When the CEGB agreed the hypotheses to be tested with the UCL geographers , every conceivable explanation had been included .
17 Three quarter-sheets of 60 , 120 and 240 grit have thoughtfully been included as standard .
18 This surprisingly compact machine is more expensive and slightly heavier than its corded rivals , and we feel that a dust extraction option should have been included .
19 John Tomlinson 's article , Dose , Dilution and the LM Potencies which was first published in the Journal of the Society of Homœopaths ( Vol. 10 No. 4 Dec. 1990 ) has been included and gives a detailed analysis of Hahnemann 's thinking which led to his development of the LM system .
20 I was told by a Milanese , with a wry smile , that it was as well the prophet had not heard of smog , or that would have been included as well .
21 In chapter 13 the Group suggests that , for pupils taught mainly through the medium of Welsh , the programmes of study but not the attainment targets for English in key stage 2 will need modification , to accommodate the matters , skills and processes which have been included in the English programmes of study for key stage 1 but have been disapplied in respect of such pupils in key stage 1 .
22 There are many places which may have had galleries in the past , but without reliable references , Deeds , an old painting or some remains of original woodwork they have not been included , tempting though this would have been .
23 It had been included in the first place On the insistence of the republicans , who refused to march without it .
24 The invention of the mechanical clock probably occurred after 1277 , since if it had occurred earlier it is almost certain that it would have been included in Volume IV of the Libros del saber de astronomica .
25 If their sales had been included , it would have been one of the few wholly independent records to reach the Top 40 .
26 ( One wonders , nevertheless , why a transcription of the conversations staged between Kristeva , Jacqueline Rose and Toril Moi could not have been included in the collection ? )
27 Another proposal , which has been included in the set of draft amendments to the Federal Constitution , is that the income of ‘ organizations of associated labour ’ that arises from monopoly power , or from other special advantages , should be transferred to the federal government .
28 Large numbers of them have been included in conservation areas over the past 20 years .
29 Some ethnic foods have been included but the book is week on snack foods which now form a common part of our diet .
30 Waiting to see how the social fund would be administered in practice would leave advisers unsure and the issue should ideally have been included in any training on the new social security regulations .
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