Example sentences of "be interested " in BNC.

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1 You know you 've not been interested in sex for years . ’
2 Have always been interested in intelligence , escaped the germy epoch of Freud and am so bored with all lacks of intelletto that I have n't used any discrimination when I have referred to ‘ em … .
3 Lord Joseph has been interested in the causes of poverty for a long time : as a young man he joined the Howard League for Penal Reform as well as a Quaker group which busied itself about improving the social conditions of the poor .
4 Those who found politics interesting in the campaign but had not been interested in politics a year earlier gave the press high ratings for helping them decide how to vote .
5 Like Eliot , More had been interested not only in the classics and Christianity , but also in the East .
6 It was ten years since Eliot had been interested in Ecstasy and Dance Hypnosis among the American Indians , and had read in King about the lively ‘ moonlight dances ’ of Bushmen .
7 For example , he would have been interested in the fact that the English word ‘ uncle ’ can be used in speaking both of one 's mother 's brother and one 's father 's brother while in Swedish , for instance , two different words are used .
8 ‘ Since I became pregnant he has n't been interested in me ’
9 Charles had long been interested in architecture — he had grown up with beautiful buildings and visited hundreds more all over the world ; he had read extensively on the subject and , by the very nature of the job , had seen a multitude of buildings , especially in the inner cities , that not only looked ghastly , but that people clearly found ghastly to live in .
10 ‘ Israel , ’ says one senior official , ‘ has never been interested in emigration as such , but in aliya — in having as many Jews as possible come to Israel . ’
11 ‘ What I have been interested to witness over the last year to 18 months is a newly confident Left in the Socialist International saying we have a common formulation about the best way to proceed .
12 He decided to leave this one for the moment but logged the fact that Jennifer Morgan had still been interested in , and comfortable with , the man who had become her sister 's fiancé .
13 As I have never been interested in argument , he must often have felt frustrated by my silences , my refusal to rise to the bait .
14 From as early as the 1860s , Western scientists have been interested in how these colours were produced .
15 I am not a prying woman , I have never really been interested in the affairs of others , I would never examine the contents of their drawers and cupboards and bathroom cabinets , as Isabel did , wherever we went to stay .
16 Culshaw , who knew Karajan better than any of these armchair pundits , noted that since Karajan had never been interested in interpretation for interpretation 's sake — which perhaps helps explain why his readings often outlast those of more ‘ personalized ’ rivals — he naturally diverted his attention to new projects , musical , technological , scientific , logistical , until circumstances or new thinking drew him back to the central repertoire that he had recorded earlier , with other orchestras , other technology .
17 I have always been interested in educating an orchestra from the musical point of view and at the level of human contact .
18 ‘ I have always been interested in art and history since High School .
19 ‘ I 've always been interested in the light comedy of life , so I 've created my own world , ’ says Doisneau .
20 Few human ethologists have been interested in the existential issues of human subjectivity implied by the recognition of inner structure .
21 He appears to have been interested in foreign travel , also , to judge from the books he collected .
22 The cost of coverage of a typical meeting was £1,412 , and that is what a single customer would have to pay , but when many channels have been interested , the price has fallen as low as £36 .
23 ‘ I had for some time been interested in the work of the 17th century Dutch and Spanish still-life school of painting .
24 Not conclusive anyway — he cd have been interested in Development generally … ’
25 Ash had been interested in everything .
26 From the moment he decided to take up running nine years ago at the age of 38 , Zarei had never been interested in running against the clock , or in beating others .
27 Fleming was no chemist and appears not to have been interested in pursuing the chemical problem .
28 But I 'd been interested in old houses long before that . ’
29 Blackpool had been interested in purchasing the line to St. Annes Square and extending the Promenade tramway reserved track from Starr Gate .
30 Meanwhile my interest in the film industry through Hellen Semmens was not the only reason for becoming an active member of the Vancouver Film Society — I have always been interested in films for their own sake .
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