Example sentences of "[no cls] [ex0] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 E there 's hardly a shop ion Holyhead you can go into wh which has n't got one of my posters in it , for something or other like you know .
2 No they hardly e there were maybe some did but very few .
3 A there is n't that about today .
4 Cos he 'd report there was a there were n't enough water inside the place , so he said to my father , say to him , he 'd say er do n't you tell me all thick he 'd say , I dredge the bloody river , he say .
5 Er Moderator er there is n't any reason in principle why this sh should n't happen that er this subject could n't come up at the presbytery clerks conference .
6 Th the reality is that elsewhere in West Sussex erm the business allocations are erm reasonably generous or indeed slightly over generous and er therefore er overall the concern i is very much reduced erm but it might also be just worth mentioning that erm although er there is clearly an opportunity for this committee , this planning authority , the strategic planning authority to , to question figures of this nature and to challenge local plans if they are significantly adrift erm that has to be done in the context of the the local plan enquiry by er in the form of an objection almost and past experience has been that the inspectors and the Secretary of State have allowed a certain amount of leeway depending on the erm proportional er deviation from erm th the figures that were in the structure plan and depending on what is happening elsewhere and on the state of the economy and whilst it would be something which erm it was possible to prepare a case for erm i it is o on , on the balance of erm er the various things that are , that are taking place in West Sussex that the recommendation i is , is put to you that and it seems to be the reasonable course of action , particularly bearing in mind the downturn in , in er erm the er business activity and the er amount of developments taking place .
7 There 's too much paperwork involved in getting fairly simple cases before the court er er there is too much paperwork because of the demands the system makes of us .
8 Terry Eagleton of Oxford made the comment , er oh I think a year or two ago , in the Sunday Times that er there is too much established in the name William Shakespeare for anyone to be willing to fool around with it .
9 Well erm take it from me that I 've worked for for major American corporates and one major British corporate and er there is still something that you may miss all right .
10 There 's an assumption by some politicians that just because there is this immense change taking place in Eastern Europe , that this is victory for Western capitalism erm , I think there might be some of who might be a bit cautious about that victory and might believe that er there is still much that needs to be shared and understood and it is n't as simple as perhaps some political figures might suggest it could be .
11 er There is obviously a certain party atmosphere at Conferences , it 's the one big chance of the year for many many hard-working activists to get together and share ideas , it does engender er a certain amount of frivolity er around the edges , so we 'll see some of that , but we do n't go in for this cult of leadership which the other parties do , you wo n't see any manufactured longstanding ovations for er leaders .
12 Drawings can be blamed when er there is actually nothing wrong and people are looking for an excuse blame from themselves .
13 Let's have a look at this year 's price list er it says nineteen ninety three but I say it 's carried on as far as we know er there are n't any at the moment increases .
14 Opportunity and er there are n't too many around unfortunately in the in the bracket of the fifties .
15 Again a reflection of technological backwardness because natural disasters can be controlled with a sufficient investment of resources China is n't able to do that , there are plagues of locusts , there is widespread flooding er there are also , by contrast , periods of severe drought , particularly up in the North China Plain which is at the best of times erm a semi-arid region .
16 But er but I was at my late forties and er er there are still times that you you feel that that urge to be involved in the er meeting up with your mates every day or your colleagues and having a good chat about business .
17 Er there are so many with nothing
18 Er there 's not a one there yet .
19 Er there 's not a great value in sales , as I say , twenty two K. But then again how values how valuable is valuable ?
20 It 's er there 's not so many discs to load though .
21 I mean each each house is different but er there 's not all of them have them , there 's only two or three had done that .
22 It does seem that there are a lot of wasps around this September ; there are always wasps around at this time of year , but er are , do you have any evidence that er there 's even more than usual ?
23 My Lord yes , er there 's just , we 're now dealing with the officers that went into the flat and conducted the operation and then there 's one W P C who comes after that to give some evidence but then that 's it .
24 Er there 's also a solicitor there as well .
25 it does n't matter others er there 's also some situations in the States , until that operation in June becomes er self sufficient , there 's a lot of design work goes with the States , those V W and gears .
26 Er sanctifying grace natural grace , you know now they 're it 's all , it 's all help from God but clever thinkers have decided to split them up into various things , just like the way I mean for example er there 's so many different things made from oil , you know er like erm turpentine er petrol , diesel .
27 and er there 's enough to do at the front and the back .
28 And er there 's quite a number of years h he , there was many bicycle shops in Galashiels when the new safety bike came in , and blacksmiths probably did n't bother doing any work on them .
29 It 's a very distressing erm syndrome for many women and er there 's quite a lot of evidence that it 's hormonally linked and most women suffer from it in one way or another .
30 But there 's a lot if we were going to talk about the m relative merits of the inner and outer today , I think er there 's quite a lot in addition to the er the traffic effects within Knaresborough which we would have to go into er er because I mean , in fact we 've and that is why I did n't include in certainly in my statement , er any defence er in any great detail of choosing an outer route as opposed to an inner route .
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