Example sentences of "[no cls] [no cls] [that] it " in BNC.

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1 The Historia Dunelmensis Ecclesiæ says that the English were heavily defeated there by the Scots in 1018 , and the Historia Regum that it was a great battle fought in 1018 between Earl Uhtred of Northumbria and Malcolm king of Scots , supported by Owain king of Strathclyde .
2 May I ask a question on the this er , the speaker said er erm that it will be down so that they on er er or no particular help on his accordance but o on these here , o on the ones this is n't the case .
3 Around July time Sequent will release , for its Symmetry servers , the version of Unix SVR4 ES/MP that it worked on for Unix System Labs and has been sitting on since completion last March .
4 All this effort turned out to be a total waste of time because , in the event , only a few bars of ‘ Music of the Night ’ wheezed from the instrument , and that so sotto voce that it could scarcely be heard .
5 There has to be unhappiness in the status quo that it can complain about — football chants are probably about the closest you can get now , because there 's nothing left to complain about nowadays .
6 ( Nevertheless , the Shell poll showed that preconceptions linger : 85 per cent of motorists questioned thought diesel is noisy , 70 per cent thought it was smoky , and 64 per cent that it was smelly ) .
7 It shows that about three-quarters of the male respondents replied that the tax system had no influence on their work effort , 15 per cent replied that it made them work more and 11 per cent that it made them work less .
8 Thirteen per cent think that it improved resources ; 12 per cent that it changed priorities , 9 per cent that it changed allocation of resources and 7 per cent think that it improved teacher-pupil relations .
9 Thirteen per cent think that it improved resources ; 12 per cent that it changed priorities , 9 per cent that it changed allocation of resources and 7 per cent think that it improved teacher-pupil relations .
10 No the situation was getting worse and the only way that they we er that it was gon na be made better was by violence and , cos the violence is the only way
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