Example sentences of "[no cls] [no cls] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And er y y and it 's surprising is n't it ?
2 release er a press release w w before we go .
3 Well , but we , no we 're not saying that , what we 're saying is that we so all we 're trying , w w w that they were saying we ca n't go from cap er from feudalism to socialism but we do n't want to go just from feudalism to capitalism , we want to go into er if you like a capitalism with socialist characteristics .
4 Erm the purpose of the two columns , and I think we 've missed this out , is , is that we should be identifying how many w w whether we 're using er going to produce drawings by hand or by CAD .
5 Well you see as part of the appraisal thing , if you get w w when we 've done it so far we 've got people to actually , and I did myself , one of the stages after the preliminary meeting is to complete a self assessment , or to go through some self assess assessments , self appraisal .
6 W w when you were starting off aga when you were starting off with erm was there any sense in that you were all including him involved in a joint enterprise to g g g g get the quarry really being profitable ?
7 W w when you first er when you first went up onto the picket lines erm h how m many of you w were there then ?
8 He 's against rummaging in one 's past — not that even he would use that term for A la Récherche though he really detests the style .
9 Possibly the earliest mention of what are probably Anglo-Saxon graves is that by the thirteenth-century chronicler Roger of Wendover in his Flores Historiarum where he describes the excavation by monks of St Albans in 1178 of ten human skeletons at Redbourne , Hertfordshire , believing some of them to be the bones of St Amphibalus ( Hewlett 1886 , 115 ) .
10 and and when er erm come over here the last time er , I I told him a a that he say , Doctor , you see , told what he said , he is a clever old boy were n't he ?
11 Yeah , but I mean a a if you have any
12 A a and we just let those disappear and evaporate .
13 We control the pay round , the pay round increase in Pearson was less than three percent a a and we 've continued with capital expenditure designed to reduce costs .
14 A a And what I I might tell you , I 've never been sea sick only once , and that was after I think eating pork pies .
15 just a , are we happy to see massive , it 's surprising once people are on E D P one weekend in three or whatever or equivalent , their overtime a a a and their you know they actually
16 a a and they 're only prepared to read one or two paragraphs of text .
17 I 'm a a and they 're not too bothered about that .
18 That old thing , it 's just driving us crazy a a and they could n't
19 A A and your and your schooldays .
20 Cos now we do n't have to pay interest on our fees , i if , if , if a jam 's spread over six months a a a and it might risk and slip to nine months , we might do better to offer to jam spread it over nine months and only invoice for part of the money .
21 Er a a and then say , well we can take that on board for you if you like but it might be more efficient for you to do the possessions because the civil engineer Leeds , actually is part of your organization a a and it might be more appropriate for you to get those possessions in , for you to decide whether or not you want one big bang o o o of a week 's possession or , or you want to do it i in four hour no-trains periods for the next three years .
22 A a a and he can delegate that
23 If he does n't know what he needs , that 's great because we can help him a a and he 's not gon na go somewhere else where he is n't going to get that help .
24 A a and I do n't .
25 Here he is , h h he has the very unpleasant duty of explaining and justifying the drafting of this measure a a and I do hope it would be , it would be really rather an unexpected realisation of an ambition , but nevertheless one hopes eternal if my Noble Friend were to get up and say that as a result these few remarks that I have been tempted to make that some kind of effort is going to be made to tidy up as th th the processes whereby er such stuff appears , is allowed to appear on the pages of the Statute Book er er I do recall that when the Charities Bill was going through several committees , my Noble Friend was n't who who was d d dealing with the Bill in , on behalf of the Government was exceedingly helpful and I hope that he will show the same degree of goodwill today er and , and , and er h if he 's very clear and devote is very considerable energies to persuading those professional obs obfuscators who are responsible for this kind of garbage to do better in the future .
26 A a and I , and I , and it was very heavy and we both had to take it out .
27 A a and there is a real cost , a proper cost not just a erm an internal cost for preparing these .
28 So a a and there 's nothing much in , I 'm at the
29 Er and obviously we 'll , we 'll we 'll get the response erm a a as it were but erm that 's something I could n't , I could n't answer at this particular time .
30 Right , if we do n't do it that way how will we pass that information , which a a as I understand it you want passed to the form tutor ?
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