Example sentences of "[no cls] [no cls] [noun] this " in BNC.

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1 TAI CHI CHIAN This is an internal style of kung fu founded by the Taoist mystic , Chang San-Feng ( 1279–1368 ) .
2 Erm in counting the ballot papers erm there was a clear winner , er both on the postal ballot re votes received , and the erm erm erm vote this evening .
3 IVAN LENDL stresses that he has no intention of becoming ‘ a kamikaze ’ , even though the world No. 1 proposed to take sleeping tablets while travelling to Sydney to rejoin the grand prix circuit this week .
4 ‘ I would n't back against him in this form , ’ said Christie , unable to shoot for the title himself because the 100 metres is not a Grand Prix event this summer .
5 In assessing the water vapour barrier properties of a container at 37°C/80 per cent r.h. this may represent an acceleration of 8–10 fold over 20°C/80 per cent r.h .
6 After a 12 per cent cut this year , the government had pledged to make a further 15 per cent cut next year .
7 The club , which joined the league only four years ago , are the only one in all divisions with a 100 per cent record this season .
8 Orders delivered within a day have hit the magic 100 per cent target this year for the first time .
9 But for Britain it is reckoning on just 0.4 per cent growth this year and 0.9 per cent in 1993 .
10 A leaked International Monetary Fund document yesterday endorsed Mr Lamont 's Budget forecast of one per cent growth this year and faster growth in the first half of 1993 .
11 The new White House uses the austerely realistic forecasts of the Congressional Budget Office : 2.8 per cent growth this year , 3 per cent growth next year .
12 Prof Patrick Minford , from the University of Liverpool and Cardiff Business School , expects 0.2 per cent growth this year but firmly believes in a spontaneous recovery in 1994 , provided the Chancellor keeps his nerve and continues to control inflation .
13 Prof Patrick Minford , from the University of Liverpool and Cardiff Business School , expects 0.2 per cent growth this year but firmly believes in a spontaneous recovery in 1994 , provided the Chancellor keeps his nerve and continues to control inflation .
14 On a pro rata basis this might make £92.7 million available to primary and community care .
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