Example sentences of "[no cls] [pers pn] had [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 I was g I had to talk to your dad when you were n't there felt such a dick .
2 The green man was flashing and we were crossing it and it just li I had to jump back onto the pavement !
3 For a text to be described as a nouveau roman it had to exhibit self-reflexive and metafictional features as well as foreground the exploration of the semantic and phonetic properties of language .
4 And they used to catch pheasants and er I had to clean I had to pluck these pheasants and er birds and get them ready and ready for them to put in the oven .
5 Oh w when I first went to place I I had to er I had to clean er clean I had to I was like a scullery maid .
6 I moved on from that then I was fifteen then , and me Dad was he was a butty and er so er I had to go on the face then .
7 I had er I sent the dimensions to the firm at Oxon and er I had to go to the bank and borrow the money , because you see the money I paid if I do n't pay cash I 'd got ta have six months delivery .
8 and the Stationmaster 's office faced the platform but there is another door that to get into as soon as you got in the main door to the left , you see and with a flap and that 's the door that we used to take in the parcels , you see and very often we used to go in that door or sometimes we would go through o on to the platform and go in the Stationmaster 's door , you see and then there again , if I took messages to the Stationmaster on the single telegraph er I had to go down the steps because th more often than not that they were in the basement .
9 The night duty was made up of nineteen areas , they made the nineteen beats , and er I had to go with older policemen learning each of the beats .
10 And er I had to ask out this quarter of an hour early , well I got me hair all combed out all ready to go you see ?
11 And er I had to fall back very often just write , I saw Mr follow the horse in in in that that churning power .
12 Erm but erm then due to certain reasons of erm er it was again er bit of struggle between myself and my colleague and er I had to choose to leave .
13 Er er you see it was all , with me it was when I , at the time I went to work and er I had to leave work to have my baby you see .
14 you know , but she , er I had to leave her my cardigan and she 's gon na phone me when I go back
15 But erm because I 've been out there doing this and that 's that was part of my if you like to come in to do the recruitment side of it , er I had to experience and I 'm glad I did because there were one or two pre-judgements I had about advertising sales , as most people do , erm that I had to get wiped out of my erm my my system .
16 But , at fourteen , my job was to er I had to fetch the coal and the sticks , to light the er stove that held the irons , and er they they were er d I I Like I had to go to the coalhouse which was down fourteen steps , the steps were wooden ones , outside the upper floor , where we worked .
17 And course we 're doing a lot of counting today this wrist is a you know I do n't mind that you see what did that wrist was that elbow I had to have a second operation on it , in the arm up here because er I had to have some bone taken away in the elbow course it stretched guiders but they also erm disturbed the wrist joint because it was in plaster like that stretched round and disturbed the wrist joint and I ke it 's it weakened it and it 's only just it 's only just this what last nine months that it 's that it 's really started to effect this but I know what it is that 's because I keep going out doing the odd jobs
18 But er she had to pay her did n't she ?
19 And er she had to pluck them and everything , clean them ready to put in the oven you know .
20 And then she put had some warm water and er she had to have it to the proper consistency and then she 'd have a a bucket of water w standing by her side with a a jug .
21 Erm what you , er what you could manage in the way of repayments what , er er you had to put one third of the full price down .
22 And even then er you had to ask for permission to stay out till ten .
23 with them and one or two remained behind but er , yes it was interesting how erm I always found it rather funny that er you had to go to Leiston to Sudbury to evacuated to school
24 What , well , we had a very large sitting dining room where we put er our dining room furniture at one end and as , the sitting room furniture at the other , it was very large actually , a Nissan hut does n't look very big , but it is quite big and we had one large bedroom where we got all our furniture in there and then there was er a kitchen , and there was an Elsan lavatory in the garden which er you had to go outside for that , and er , we bought a full length galvanized bath like an ordinary bath upstairs and there was a boiler in the kitchen so we used to light the fire of the boiler , fill the boiler with water from the tap , we had a , oh we had all sorts of er innovations that made life easy as could be in the circumstances , we had er hose pipe from the kitchen sink into the bathroom , we managed to get about three baths a week , cos it , it was a terrible fag , but we did , and then you just emptied the bath out and out in the drain outside you know .
25 A wife and a new baby , so er you had to work .
26 And then he , he got on the road and he , we usually took , he had to run it er not more than twenty five miles and hour , and er you had to run it , we , we stopped at Preston if we could get there .
27 Can I just enquire why er we had to state getting the fourteen thousand
28 And we had the pit ponies and where we did n't have the pit ponies drawing the hutches , which we termed the small wagons carrying the coal from the coal face to the pit bottom , then er we had to do it by hand .
29 You used to have to take a er a erm your own cup and erm that was for your for for whatever we had we I do n't know I remember we had lemonade or pop or whether it was tea or we had er we had to take a cup , and er most of us invariably took a a big handkerchief with us .
30 Er we had to go to er do manoeuvres er every Sunday , see ?
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