Example sentences of "[no cls] [prep] all [adj] " in BNC.

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1 On testing for hepatitis B surface antigen after informed consent was obtained we found that most subjects had negative results ( 9/14 , 64% ) ; three ( 21% ; 0.03% of all those vaccinated ) had positive results ; there was no follow up testing on one patient , and the other was later found to have a low level of antibodies to hepatitis B surface antigen produced in response to an additional dose of vaccine .
2 HBsAg seroconversion occurred in 12.5% of all treated patients and in almost 25% of those who responded .
3 Even when the contribution of 1200mJy from all small-diameter sources in the field is included , the total seen by MOST at 843MHz is only 4.5Jy , much less than observed by filled-aperture telescopes .
4 In a report on the treatment of acute myocardial infarction in US academic centres , only 58.7% of all post-infarct patients were taking daily aspirin 10 days after the index infarction .
5 1981 ) , when it is estimated that as many as 96% of all marine species died out ( Raup , 1979 ) .
6 You see there 's there 's the baptists in er Street , that that had to close to make way for er for all that shopping area , Boots and whatnot .
7 According to figures compiled by Jardine Fleming , an investment bank , Japan accounted for 15.2% of investment in the ASEAN-4 in 1991 , compared with 15.4% for Taiwan alone and 29.5% for all four tigers .
8 One of the things I found out about this one , is that , welder 's lung is still not recognized as an industrial disease er of all this time , and yet , if you have welder 's lung by er using stainless steel , it is , but it comes under asthma , so that 's something that we feel that should be being pushed by the G M B.
9 In the 1960–64 series , 69.7% of all gastric tumours were associated with intestinal metaplasia. 79.8% of antral tumours were associated with intestinal metaplasia compared with 33.3% in the cardia ( p=0.001 ) .
10 right I 'm pleased pleased to introduce to us , er , er against all these difficulties and the nearer you are at the front the better , there 's all stuff here look
11 Ah well we will wait and see erm , they 're trying to solve everybody 's problems but ours , er with all this talk about spending money on education , sorting out the traffic problems erm , it 's a pity they do n't spend a bit more time in their budget calculations in dealing with the problems of this council and not those of the county council .
12 Erm I do n't need to go through er all of the elements er er I will take it because there is general agreement er er with a very large and this is good to see that all of us er in all three groups are proposing to take advantage of savings identifying in the various departments County Council .
13 Er we now have applications in production areas in all those er in all those .
14 We do n't , we do n't sell applications , but we develop the products on technology er in all those areas .
15 No what the they 'll do , they 'll put all the words that are used into a computer er from all these things wo n't they ?
16 I think generally we think that that that it would refer to er to all three .
17 A quadratic form unc and the matrix A within f , are said to be positive definite ( pos. def. ) if unc for all real , non-null vectors x .
18 However , from comparisons of Stock Exchange statistics and those compiled by the Bank for International Settlements , it can be inferred that between 70-75% of all sterling eurobonds are listed in London .
19 In 1979 , it was estimated that some 24.8% of all qualified doctors were living abroad .
20 Okay , now that result holds , right , for all erm for all marginal relationships Okay , so if we are looking at a marginal marginal cost curve , right , we have got that 's our marginal cost , that 's our average cost we , we 're intersecting here when in the case it is a minimum so marginal costs cuts through average costs at its minimum value we are looking at average revenue and marginal revenue average revenue function marginal revenue function This is our total revenue function and the same relationship is embodied there , but , notice that between the average and the average revenue and marginal revenue functions , right , do n't intersect simply because we have got a linear relationship here right , average revenue is always above marginal revenue in this particular case .
21 In what follows , we shall now regard 1 , … , n as all different .
22 At present 7C% of all sixth formers in Catholic schools and colleges are following A level courses .
23 They had n't thought about that do you know , I reckon that Sister Josephine erm behind all this , she wanted that hall and she and Father used to talk about this you see they want to extend the church back and do away with the car parking area as well , oh that 's alright , but erm sort of ca n't see any point in it , I mean congregations are going down , they 're not increasing , the church is big enough for what is necessary I would of thought would n't you ?
24 This was consistently graded + in all six group O patients , but was focal in three of the four positive group A patients .
25 Erm , I was erm , put on just for in ninety seventy three and your question that you 're asked was and from nineteen seventy three till three years ago erm I know took my causes , I trust , put my trust in the doctors and erm over all those years I did n't realize that it was actually the tablets that was causing me the mental illness .
26 knew you could do it I I 'm just not erm at all sure of er how that actually works .
27 As the total number of filled vacancies for all ages was 652,306 , this means that juveniles accounted for about 20% of all those finding employment through the exchanges .
28 Thus the set Z+ of all positive integers may be written
29 We could not grow CTL to 1s6 from all B53-positive donors during the low transmission season for malaria but , as previous work suggested , detectable CTL to P. falciparum may be relatively short-lived in the absence of boosting , and low precursor frequencies may be common because of the very small numbers of hepatocytes infected by each sporozoite inoculum .
30 In Grampian Health Board since 1986 repeat operations have accounted for 38–40% of all such operations ( data obtained from Scottish morbidity records ( SMR 1 ) , Grampian Health Board ) .
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