Example sentences of "the others " in BNC.

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1 Matisse and all the others saw the twentieth century with their eyes but they saw the reality of the nineteenth century , Picasso was the only one in painting who saw the twentieth century with his eyes and saw its reality and consequently his struggle was terrifying , terrifying for himself and for the others , because he had nothing to help him , the past did not help him , nor the present , he had to do it all alone and , in spite of much strength he is often very weak , he consoled himself and allowed himself to be seduced by other things which led him more or less astray .
2 Matisse and all the others saw the twentieth century with their eyes but they saw the reality of the nineteenth century , Picasso was the only one in painting who saw the twentieth century with his eyes and saw its reality and consequently his struggle was terrifying , terrifying for himself and for the others , because he had nothing to help him , the past did not help him , nor the present , he had to do it all alone and , in spite of much strength he is often very weak , he consoled himself and allowed himself to be seduced by other things which led him more or less astray .
3 One has only to imagine what would happen if the books on the shelf behind the sitter 's head were upright , like the others , to realize on what delicate adjustments the solidity of this amazing structure depends …
4 Writing about a small bust on a column , a thin sculpture in a series of four busts of which the others were fuller in form , she comments that ‘ the extremely thin proportions of the head contrast with the solidity of the base .
5 It 's the others I 'm worried about .
6 Which is not to say , he wrote , that the present project has any value over and above the others , mine and those of everyone else , I have been into the question of value already and will not return to it now , has any value or that its outcome has any value , I have to repeat this , simply that now , for me , today , after the things I have done and given the time left me , it is the most important thing , it is what , from the time I first picked up a pencil and made a mark on a piece of paper , everything has logically led up to .
7 To place one item , one element , in relation to all the others , and yet to keep space open for further elements .
8 And the others : You have such warmth !
9 ‘ Nothing , ’ he called at once to the others , whose view of the top car was obscured by the tall backs of their seats .
10 And , to Sven Hjerson 's concealed annoyance , Miss Arabella Buckley had contrived to make herself one of the group , her ample form straining the faded green canvas of a chair firmly set among the others .
11 Despite his almost complete lack of English and the poor Italian the others possessed , several things had emerged .
12 But the others , with the abominable tout in their sights , had been quick to fix the blame on him .
13 Mrs Feather 's cake was a simple white confection , quite plain in comparison with the others .
14 He looked up as Marion , Conroy still clutched to her side , came out through the doors from the stage , some of the others trailing behind her .
15 She gave him a little push and , in a daze , he followed Dorothy and one or two of the others up the stairs to the room that had been and still seemed to be Bunty 's .
16 But , although it was something to tell the others at school , secretly I thought he was important enough already .
17 ‘ Maybe you left it in your trolley , ’ one of the others volunteered .
18 ‘ You girls can take the others . ’
19 Usually the problem is that no one is really taking charge and telling the others exactly what to do .
20 During my early career , for instance , when one of the shift was caught and sentenced for a string of burglaries , the others skirted around their implicit knowledge that ‘ there but for the grace of God goes everyone ’ , and comforted themselves by recalling ( with the aid of the hindsight-ometer ) that he had ‘ never been a real polis … always been a bit of a loner , something of an outsider … ’
21 Would the others make for Castle Menzies ?
22 ‘ Angus ’ — he dropped the timber he was lifting , letting it clank off the others , and turned to look at him with widened eyes and squared mouth , like the face of someone taking a great strain .
23 The others took it up , humming or singing , and walked in time to it until old Donald got breathless and they had to saunter for a while .
24 James Menzies asked the others .
25 The damp wind blowing in at the open door made him shiver and he went to wake the others .
26 ‘ We could not incriminate the others — well , at least their names are safe now .
27 She did not have the New England style of the others , and was made to feel it strongly .
28 The others , to his way of thinking , got away more lightly .
29 Indeed , his treatment of this first book ( and we shall see that it is not very dissimilar from the others ) is a blatant piece of eisogesis — reading into ( as opposed to exegesis , out of ) the text what he wishes to see , or rather plant .
30 It is this question which is the ultimate one ; the others are a screen to hide modern man from his real self , as T.S .
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